Search results

  1. hayabusaboston

    WHO HAS the BEST phys/chem notes?

    Who has the most comprehensive, far reaching, detailed and whole syllabus covering yr 12 notes for PHYS and CHEM? Your opinions please. I am talking about dot point notes, including pracs etc, and this is from alll those state rankers etc etc like jayson jeganathan jacqueline lai kamal singh...
  2. hayabusaboston

    Please see this, letter to adrian piccoli, minister of education

    I am writing a letter to Mr Piccoli to suggest perhaps a slight change in the english syllabus for yr 12, would anyone be wanting to see what ive written and perhaps add something to it? IT DOES NOT SAY SCRAP THE WHOLE SUBJECT, It must be compulsory. However Ive thought of a structure which...
  3. hayabusaboston

    Raw marks question?

    What raw marks are needed for the following: 95 MX1 95 MX2 97 Phys 97 Chem 90 English (I heard 77/100 raw, does this sound about right?)
  4. hayabusaboston

    What's better, Cambridge 4u or Patel?

    Hey what textbook is better for ext 2 maths, Patel or Cambridge? ext 2 cambridge is written by different people so I was wondering if it maintains the difficulty that cambridge had in 3u yr 11 and 12. But I heard even baulko uses patel, so wondered whats the way to go?
  5. hayabusaboston

    Please critique short story!

    First of all, BOOYAH on a rounded off 99 percent in the yearly chem exam! YAAA! plus (I believe) 100 percent for 2u, and have yet to get results for 3u, physics, english and english extension. BUT it seems my teacher has been browsing BoS and in fact had FOUND Realise's 3u yearly paper, and...
  6. hayabusaboston

    Where to get past papers?

    Dear BoS people I was wondering where to find a whole heap of past papers, if anyone would be so kind as to share theirs (Maths ext 1, ext 2, Phys and CHem for next year, but for now where to find prelim phys chem and 3u maths?) it would be greatly appreciated. I know spiral has a kilotonne of...
  7. hayabusaboston

    What was your total score in NAPLAN yr 9?

    what did you guys get in naplan in yr 9? I just dug out a bunch of files from over the years and found my naplan results booklet thing. I counted up the questions and found I got 202 out of a possible 222 lol. How did u guys go?
  8. hayabusaboston

    Can you theoretically "state rank" in prelim?

    Like, I know there's no official table and nothing counts in prelim, but I was just wondering if u get 98+ in ur subjects, could you kinda count yourself as having "state ranked"? Assuming you're at a top 25 selective school, so the exam won't be easy. LOL just wondering
  9. hayabusaboston

    Plz help emergency!>!?

    ANYONE HAVE NOTES ON ALL THE PRACS FROM THE "WATER" MODULE IN CHEMISTRY??? Plz plz plz!! I have a prac assessment, which Ive never done before cos I switched schools at the exact moment we had one, and teacher says its an assessment on ONE of the pracs from water module. Anyone have all the...
  10. hayabusaboston

    Assessment mark+exam mark confusion

    PLEASE CLARIFY, This is the impression I get of yr 12: 1. Nothing counts but RANKS, until end of year exams that is 2. ON exams, you do the exam, then your mark is basically DUPLICATED 3. From your mark of say, 95, You get one mark of 95 as your EXAM MARK, and someone else gets an ASSESSMENT...
  11. hayabusaboston

    SMH young writer comp-who entered?

    Hey guys! Who entered the SMH writing comp this year? what did you guys write about? :P I wrote a mafia-war type thing between Russia and China haha.
  12. hayabusaboston

    Help me plz chem thing

    Hi does anyone know where to find some super-tough worksheets for naming carbon compounds?
  13. hayabusaboston

    Urgent english essay help!!!

    Hi guys, our english essay is due friday, and it is on Emma by jane austen, we had to view a scene from the movie "Clueless" by amy heckerling, and answer this question : "How does the sequence from Clueless transform the values and attitudes represented in Emma?" and the scene we watched was...
  14. hayabusaboston

    Critique my physique

    Please critique my physique, tell me where to improve.
  15. hayabusaboston

    My perfect pokemon white team

    All level 100 Haxorus: Rivalry Ability, Adamant Nature, 255 EV's Attack, 255 EV's Speed Earthquake Outrage Brick Break Swords Dance HP: 315 Attack: 432 Defense: 254 Special Attack: 170 Special Defense: 218 Speed: 262 Excadrill: Mold Breaker Ability, Brave Nature, 255 EV's Attack, 255 EV's HP...
  16. hayabusaboston

    Please analyse story

    Hey guys, would anyone be interested in analysing the first bit of my creative piece? Want some opinions on my style of writing, shitty, unsophisticated, elegant, awesome, pathetic etc... whatever you think. Anyone wanna help?
  17. hayabusaboston

    DONT plAY rUGBY in HSC! read this article
  18. hayabusaboston

    What are your ATAR estimates from 1. SChool 2. BoS 3. SAM

    ^ I assume most people had it quite varied. what estimates did u all get? yr 11's too if u got an estimate after Half Yearlies/
  19. hayabusaboston

    Please critique short story?

    PM if willing to help
  20. hayabusaboston

    any norwegian tutours around....

    In sydney???