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  1. hayabusaboston

    Selective vs normal school?

    Hi I read about this a long time ago, but I cant remember how it went, what exactly is the benefit of going to a selective school rather than a normal one? I remember something about scaling, that at a selective school more people score higher and this pulls your marks up or something like that...
  2. hayabusaboston

    Do you get ATAR estimate in yr 11?

  3. hayabusaboston

    Who is willing to trade notes?

    I need a full set of notes for sections 1 and 2 of "Patterns in nature" as well as the whole ecology topic for Bio prelims. I am willing to give highly detailed notes EXCLUDING pracs on "moving about" and "chemical earth." for phys and chem. anyone wanna trade?
  4. hayabusaboston


    PLZ GUYS I NEED HELP I DIDNT PAY ATTENTION IN PRELIM PRACS, now for half yearlies im stuffed, I know there's gonna be pracs in there. Can someone please send me ALL the pracs in "Chemical Earth" module, OR just the method for each, OR just one prac, OR just the method for one prac, Plz I need to...
  5. hayabusaboston

    Talent-100 bright stars program-questions

    is it any different fro the normal yearly success program? what are the benefits of this particular program? anyone here got in? how many people are accepted?
  6. hayabusaboston

    Please Help answer some questions

    1. What are the true difficult concepts in prelim physics and chemistry? 2. What kinds of things really differentiate between gifted and average physics and chemistry students? 3. How much prac stuff is in half yearly and yearly exams? 4. How important are pracs overall? 5. How much of pracs do...
  7. hayabusaboston

    interesting problem

    I thought of a problem today, I know thr answer, I wonder if you guys know how to do it. It is within reach of most high schoolers, I would think Express a(b-c) as a product of an infinite series of factors I would lile to see your method carrotsticks. Also spirals
  8. hayabusaboston

    Hayabusabostons subject results so far, for those interested

    SO first and foremost, i have reorganised my hsc plan, I am no longer hardcore 99.95'er, I have come to realise its just the HSC, no point draining body and soul for it. I still AIM for 99.95,like anyone, but have lessened my urgency for it, and also am wondering if i shall even come close to it...
  9. hayabusaboston


    I need analysis of my final draft king Lear essay, a predicted mark range too, plz plz help I need to know if it was all worth it! I'm not writing a new one. Just want to know how good the other one is. Will rep too plZ It's on the prelim hsc subforum, a few threads below this one
  10. hayabusaboston


    I need analysis of my final draft king Lear essay, a predicted mark range too, plz plz help I need to know if it was all worth it! I'm not writing a new one. Just want to know how good the other one is. Will rep too plZ
  11. hayabusaboston

    final draft king lear essay

    plz assess for worthiness Leadership is a conceptual framework of understanding ascribed to the notion of successful guidance of a group by one or more individuals. The whole idea relies on positive relationships between a leader and his people. Thus we arrive at an assumption; a good leader...
  12. hayabusaboston

    X factor auditions

    Who got invited for TV show in May? What song did you sing?
  13. hayabusaboston

    Please critique King Lear essay!

    Essay Question: Leaders have often taken the time to manage key relationships, while still getting on with the job. Describe how this idea is explored in your class text as one other text of your choosing (Lord of the Rings) Leadership, in essence, is a conceptual framework of understanding...
  14. hayabusaboston

    Pure Vs Applied Mathematics

    Discuss, your preference for one or the other, and why.
  15. hayabusaboston

    Anyone here from Queensland Brain Institute? QBI?

    Anyone on here from QBI?
  16. hayabusaboston

    Favourite Mathematical Concept/trick?

    Discuss, favourite concepts from HSC or Uni Maths and/or favourite maths tricks you found somewhere. Teach the wider BoS community of your wondrous mathematical marvels :D
  17. hayabusaboston

    help with neurology clinical case

    hey can someone help me with this please, I am having trouble pinpointing the problem here, what do you guys think has occurred here: CASE 5 A girl, eighteen years old, who had suffered from endocarditis, suddenly fainted and remained unconscious for several hours. Her mind remained clouded...
  18. hayabusaboston

    How does HSC ACTUALLY work...?

    Okay a few questions, 1. PLease list every individual thing that goes towards your ATAR 2. How many assessments are there in year 12, and which one is the one that says "Assessment mark"? 3. Does ANYTHING AT ALL, including ranks, carry on from yr 11? 4. Is the average of Assessment Mark and...
  19. hayabusaboston

    Who has done the SAT's?

    Also what score /2400 did you get and which uni/s did you apply for?
  20. hayabusaboston

    Transfer to Harvard Med?

    Hey does anyone know which uni's offer transfers to Harvard Med School?