Well it looks like we'll all be back to the daily grind soon, so what better than to open our Chatter Thread for the upcoming semester. Welcome back to our current students and those who will be commencing their studies at USYD for the first time.
Important Dates
4 - Lectures begin...
The university has just released the digital copy of the SG for this year.
While it's fairly small, this should be somewhat useful to the new students coming in as it provides a brief administrative checklist to refer to leading up to Semester 1...
Coursera are a for-profit company which specialise in delivering free university courses to the public with partner universities. At the moment, they are running a Game Theory unit delivered in conjunction with Stanford University and the University of British Columbia.
A few BoS'ers are...
Info Day is your last opportunity to explore the University of Sydney and speak to staff and students about your options before you finalise your UAC preferences for the main-round offers. We will have staff from all faculties on hand to answer your questions about admission and courses...
So you guys have 12 hours to go until your Economics exam commences.
Any final thoughts going into the exam?
I look forward to seeing you guys on the other side!
Feel free to post any screenshots or videos you've taken while playing games.
Here's my contribution:
Sy123 killing me mid-flight, switching to a knife and then promptly been killed from behind.
I haven't really looked into this game in depth but it may be worth checking out to explore the dynamics of monetary policy.
Considering that you guys are doing your HSC at the moment, perhaps it would be a good idea to send in your opinions as well so you can present an opinion which is representative of what you guys are going through?
I just found an interesting special report by CNN regarding gaming and its place in the real world.
It looks at gaming and:
If anyone is interested checking it out, here's the link...
Now the Big Mac Index is well regarded in the media as an informal, and even a fun way to use a popularised consumer product to compare currencies on the basis of homogeneity.
To test your ability to critique, can you figure out why it is not wise to use...
As per usual, we will be holding the USYD Open Day for prospective students to get a feel of the university, the academic programs available, the facilities on campus etc. I'll be there as well so feel free to say hi if you're milling around. I may be able to give you a personal tour if you're...
I've been playing some DotA 2 after I acquired the BETA key recently while I've also played a bit of Mirrors Edge and Blacklight Retribution.
Just pre-ordered CS:GO so I look forward to checking that out once it is released.
Well it looks like we'll all be back to the daily grind soon, so what better than to open our Chatter Thread for the upcoming semester. Welcome back to our current students and those who will be commencing their studies at USYD for the first time.
Just a word of warning:
This thread serves as...