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  1. gleeek

    Can someone please reconmmed a text book for HSC general mathematics?

    I am looking into buying one sometime within the following few months. Which one do you recommend? Cambridge? New Century? Thanks in advance.
  2. gleeek

    Jacaranda business studies text book.

    Is it any good?
  3. gleeek

    Related text for Emily Dickinson poems

    What would be good related texts if someone were to be assigned with the prescribed text of Emily Dickinson? AND do related texts HAVE to relate to the prescribed text or just to the concept of belonging?
  4. gleeek

    HSC in 7 months...

    Yes, I have started counting down. Can you guys believe it? What are your thoughts? When are you going to start to prepare? Thinking of getting my textbooks at the end of this term.
  5. gleeek

    What's your AOS this year preliminary-ers.

    Mine is 'the outsider' and my prescribed text is 'the Catcher in the Rye' (FUCK YES) and using Donnie Darko (film) and Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen as my related texts. How about ya'll?
  6. gleeek

    Best textbooks for legal studies?

    What are the best textbooks for legal studies for the HSC? And how many textbooks do you think one should have if aiming for band 6? Is one suffice or..? THANKS.
  7. gleeek

    Hows everyone finding legal studies?

    I personally love it. The syllabus looks so damn interesting. Thoughts?
  8. gleeek

    Doe your background really affect your subject choices?

    People have been stereotyping subjects as 4 unit maths, chem, physics, eco as 'Asian subjects'. Does it really matter? I want to see if the majority of people from an Asian back ground do these subjects. What are your subjects and from what is your background?
  9. gleeek

    I want a 99+ atar

    Hey everyone, I am currently in year 10 and am stressing about year 11 and 12. I am taking next year as a new start and want to do extremely well and I am starting to feel the pressure already. The subjects I am taking are: Advanced English, Legal studies, Business studies, Modern history...
  10. gleeek

    How to achieve a band 6 in modern history, prelim and hsc.

    Any people who have completed or are completing modern history, do you have any tips or study tactics? I'm starting it next year and want to ace it. Also give me information about the course in your opinion. Thanks you're helping out a lot by answering
  11. gleeek

    How to achieve a band 6 in ancient history, prelim and hsc.

    Any people who have completed or are completing ancient history, do you have any tips or study tactics? I'm starting it next year and want to ace it. Also give me information about the course in your opinion. Thanks you're helping out a lot by answering
  12. gleeek

    How to achieve a band 6 in legal studies, prelim and hsc.

    Any people who have completed or are completing legal studies, do you have any tips or study tactics? I'm starting it next year and want to ace it. Also give me information about the course in your opinion. Thanks you're helping out a lot by answering
  13. gleeek

    How to achieve a band 6 in business studies, prelim and hsc.

    Any people who have completed or are completing business studies, do you have any tips or study tactics? I'm starting it next year and want to ace it. Also give me information about the course in your opinion. Thanks you're helping out a lot by answering
  14. gleeek

    When can year 10's legally leave school this year?

    I have heard a lot of 'you can leave after the sc, because then there's no point in staying at school'. But then there's people saying that you should stay... Basically, my question is when can year 10's get let out of school legally? I want to start preparing for year 11 so I don't want to...
  15. gleeek

    What do you think of the Legal studies, Economics and Business studies combination?

    Is it too much work? Anyone who has done these, please comment. ALSO!!!! If I do general maths, is that a too little level of maths for economics?
  16. gleeek

    What Preliminary and HSC are beneficial for a career in Law

    I was wondering what Preliminary and HSC subjects would be beneficial to choose if your chosen career path is law. Also what subjects (not including science) would help me attain a high atar. Thanks to everyone in advance.
  17. gleeek

    What subjects is everyone doing for year 11 2012

    I'm doing: Advanced English Legal studies Economics Business studies Ancient history General maths
  18. gleeek

    Economics vs. Modern history

    Hi, does anyone know what is the better subject. Give me us much info as you can. What would advantage me along with my other subjects (Adv English, legal, ancient, business and gen. mathematics) I want a career in law. So economics or modern?
  19. gleeek

    Band 6 in Business Studies?

    Hi, I am currently in year 10 and am contemplating about whether or not to change from Visual Art to Business Studies. My other subjects are Advanced English, Legal Studies, Modern + Ancient History and General Maths. I think that I will benefit from doing Business Studies since I am doing...