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  1. astroman

    where can i find out students perform in specific subjects.

    Where can i find a list of all the subjects and how many students got a band 6,5,4,3,2,1 in that school recently gave one for last years 12 and was wondering if maybe BOS has one for all of the year 12ers???
  2. astroman

    topic sentences about change.

    what are some really good topic sentences about change in general.
  3. astroman

    what is flexible first year engineering?

    is it a mix of all the courses in one year, and then you choose what you want to do for the remaining?
  4. astroman

    creative story ideas - change

    hey guys i need a few ideas on a creative writing piece on the topic of change, i want to avoid clichés like relationship breakups, deaths, childhood to adulthood....
  5. astroman

    problem with studying for maths

    So i'm pretty good at math but when it comes to studying, i can only seem to grasp one topic and then forget most of the other learnt stuff from other topics. So currently i am really good at quadratic functions and calculus but absolutely crap at stuff like trig identities and co-ordinate geo...
  6. astroman

    atar estimate

    these are for two students, school rank 110 student 1 english adv - 38/220 business - 29/138 physics - 48/84 math 2u - 68/152 ipt - 4/29 engineering - 9/32 student 2 english std - 130/203 business - 31/138 physics - 13/84 chemistry - 22/91 math 2u - 28/152 math ex 1 - 33/63...
  7. astroman

    quadrati function question.

    Find all values of K for which (K+2)x^2+x-3=0, has 2 real unequal roots. i keep getting K<5/4 but answer is K>-2(1/12)
  8. astroman

    printing past papers.

    random questions but for maths, do you print out dozens of past papers or just write the question and answer in an exercise book?:tongue:
  9. astroman

    Which courses will be in demand?

    Will, courses like civil and mining engineering be in demand in Australia in the next 10 to 20 years? I hear that most courses related to computing will be in very high demand such as software engineers and degrees related to natural resources will reduce significantly.
  10. astroman

    How hard will Physics get in yr 12?

    Hey, guys so i'm an average student in physics in my cohort, rank 30/80 and do pretty bad in exams but great in assignments and in class practicals. I'm beginning to worry that if my physics doesn't improve, it will affect me in year 12 and so i've really begun to study and revise. My in class...
  11. astroman

    UTS vs USYD Engineering

    Hey, i need to decide on whether i go to engineering for USYD or UTS. Is e12 scheme for engineering at usyd good and what are the benefits and disadvantages for each uni regarding engineering.
  12. astroman

    Games & HSC

    Has anyone here managed to complete there HSC with great marks whilst playing daily video games? Just curious as i want to know how big an impact online gaming makes to studying.
  13. astroman

    Engineering jobs opportunities.

    Hey guys so i want to know what engineering companies look for in uni grads. Do they prefer what uni you attended over marks or vice versa?
  14. astroman

    first day home tutoring.

    Hey guys i'm starting home tutoring for physics and math soon and am wondering what i have to do on the first day? It goes for 2hours (1 hr math, 1hr phys) but the tutor says you can ask one subject more if you need to. I previously went to group tutoring where all material is provided and is...
  15. astroman

    prelim physics question, help quick

    hey got a question that need working out to: a driver of mass 75kg, travelling in a 1200kg car collides with a stationary police car with total mass of 1500kg. the tangled wreck moves off after the collision at 8.0ms-1. assuming negligible force on both vehicled: a) calculate the speed of...
  16. astroman

    Quick Question, regarding manufacturing.

    hey there is a syllabus dot point in the HSC engineering course that states : 'Students describe the manufacturing process used to form friction materials with composites (brake pads), and describe the use of the products. What does this mean and what can i write about? Please help.
  17. astroman

    atar estimate

    school rank: 500+ eng adv - 1/28 business - 1/21 physics - 1/14 ipt - 1/19 math 2u - 3/30 engineering - 1/12
  18. astroman

    Please help urgently

    anyone can you solve question 9 on page 22 of this ---> need to know quick.
  19. astroman

    quick question regarding transferring courses

    can you transfer from BSc to an engineering course at any uni? Sorry but im a noob.
  20. astroman

    Need 1995 engineering studies past paper answers.

    Hey guys title says it all, need 2/3u engineering science past paper answers.