Okay guys, I completed the HSC last year and got an ATAR in the 90s so I thought I'd let you know all the tips for the subjects I did:
Standard English
- they say not too but I wrote and memorised essays!!!! I had two adaptable ones for each section and just changed the words around. My...
So I accepted an early round offer but I want a different one now so do I just put that one as my first preference in the main round? Do I have to tell the uni Ino longer want this offer or will they figure it out when change preferences and get a new offer? Or can I simply not enroll?
So I have two options for uni but I need opinions please
1) go to University of canberra and live with my dad and have him support me. But I have to ride to uni and living with my dad I'm afraid I'll become anti social and not make any friends.
2 ( go to Melbourne do a double degree and work...
So the course I'm looking at doing next year I just found out had no professional accreditation. Does tthis mean I should start looking at alternative optionsvbecause it is unlikely I'll get much of a job out of this?
How much of a disadvantage are you actually at if you don't live on campus? Like is it harder to make friends and are you more likely to be left out of plans?
Ok so hopefully I'm going to uni in Melbourne next year but I know no one there. I'll be living on campus but I'm so worried I won't make any friends; like I'm kinda socially awkward a bit and I'm really worried. Will I make friends guys? I've been stressing over this for ages.
So I am doing family and consumers and after reading some comments on here, I am rather confused. When you get a question for these options are you supposed to answer the essay by writing about the issues?
So I know there's nothing majorly wrong with me, just a common cold, one where whenever I stand up or sit down I think I'll pass out. If my exam was today I definitely would not be able to do it. If I still feel as bad tomorrow could I do the exam and apply for illness and misadventure aswell...
Are you allowed to take tissues into the exam because my nose is currently like a waterfall. Or do I have to put my hand up and get a tissue like every second?