So I'm ranked first in business studies and I only got 74% then everyone else got around 60%. Does this mean my cohort is going to drag me down? Or does it not matter seeing as I'm ranked first?
So I'm coming first in legal, ive beaten everyone in the past two exams by 10 marks. However the person coming second beat me in a test the other day by 5 marks. Would I still be ranked first?
So I'm not that great at maths but my ranks high so what would be the best way to prepare for maths hsc exam? I'm behind in nearly everything! I'm freaking out!
The statement for my assignment is "movement into the world is a frightening yet liberating experience". Can anyone offer sample thesis ideas because I'm unsure what to do?
So I'm still rather confused how hsc works.
- what is scaling?
- how are your internal and external marks done?
- what happens if you are at the top of your class and beating everyone by atleast 10 marks, does this mean I'll be bought down by them?
Can someone please explain to me how early entry works. I have atleast 5 courses I want to apply for early entry for? I thought that when you apply for early entry that it had to be at the too of your UAC list? If so, does that mean I can't apply to all the courses I want for early entry?
Next year I'm thinking about doing a double degree of a bachelor of politics and international relations/bachelor of communication in media and public affairs at university of canberra. I've heard positives and negatives about this course. Many say it's a waste of time. What do you all think?
So I have my trials on Tuesday, what would be the best way to prepare myself for them this weekend? And what in particular should I be focusing my study on?
For the personality section how do you answer them? Are the 10 and 15 marker set out the same way? Or does only the 15 marker have an intro and conclusion?