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    Is this true?

    Is it true that in the hsc exam that only your 2 best sections of English count towards your hsc?
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    How do you do it?

    So guys how do you all remember legislation, articles, cases etc. for everything? I read a practice answer today and it blew me away. It had about 6 cases, 4 articles and a tonne of legislation just for one issue in family. But if you have all that how do you remember the rest?
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    Summary of Recommendations

    How do you set out summary of recommendations when writing a report? Do you just dot point the strategies you included in the report?
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    Anyone love me enough to read my draft report?
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    Banjo Paterson help ASAP!

    How can you tell that Clancy of the overflow was written in Banjo Paterson's time? All help greatly appreciated!
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    For trials do our teachers make our exam paper still? Or do they get sent in?
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    Using case studies.

    What part of the syllabus should you remember case studies for? Strategies? As these are more common in the questions you get?
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    Is this sad?

    Is it sad that I'm quite excited to be doing a business studies assignment as it sounds quite easy but then again everyone in my class thinks it'll be easy!
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    Clancy of the Overflow

    Hi all! In Clancy of the Overflow by Banjo Paterson what rhyming structure is used? And how many beats per each line? Thanks!
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    Is it bad that I have a massive crush on my teacher so I try my hardest in this subject to impress him? Lol.
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    What is historiography? And where are we supposed to use them in the history topics?
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    Does your teacher do this?

    Hi! So my teacher has a favourite student (quite common) however she gives this student extra marks when they don't deserve it. She's a very smart girl but sometimes it feels as though the teacher thinks oh she's smart I'll just give her full marks when the answer isn't that good. As we both had...
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    Help! Asap!

    Hi, Is anyone able to do me a massive favour? PM if you can, ill repay you with giving you some past papers or advice etc.
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    Does anyone know any good articles on australian businesses that outsource? I need to reference some good articles in my exam next week? Thanks
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    Anyone else?

    Next year I want to move away for university but I'm really worried I won't make any friends. Anyone else have this scary feeling? And will I make friends? Is it likely?
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    True or false?

    Is it true that you can get extra ATAR points if you change teachers enough during your HSC? Because my teachers keep leaving!!
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    What career to pursue?

    I'm good at and love criminology, psychology, journalism and history. Is there a course/job that combines them altogether because I bet that's my dream job?
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    Anyone got the effectiveness of the UDHR, ICCPR and the ICESCR?
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    The essay.

    Has anyone ever had to write a whole essay on financial influences? Or a whole essay on the operations processes?
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    Is anyone able to give me some extended response questions on the interdependence of finance and operations? all help greatly appreciated and ill love you forever