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  1. obliviousninja

    UNSW Open Day Meet

    Timstar will be there, so get keen lads
  2. obliviousninja

    UNSW Moodle Madness

    Fkn put a cag on for once
  3. obliviousninja

    GENS9004 The Psychology of Addiction

    Thoughts on this GedEd? This course deals with transdisciplinary issues pertinent to the understanding and treatment of drug addiction. Topics include: historic origins of drugs; manufacture, global distribution and black market economics; epidemiology of population uptake; biomedical harms...
  4. obliviousninja

    Testing times: selective schools and tiger parents Sydney girls represent!
  5. obliviousninja

    Tafe Results Thread

    Certificate II in Tupperware Containership - Passed
  6. obliviousninja

    WAM Prediction Thread

    Srs predictions. Then we will compare when results come out. WAM (70 + 62 + 80 + 78) / 4
  7. obliviousninja

    i missed an exam

    Ok heres my dilemma, i missed an exam but the only reason why i didnt turn up is because i slept in.... wot am i supposed to do i mean im not sure if my doctor will just give me a certificate and so i can fill in a misadventure slip. On top of that my exam is worth 70% of my final mark. Wot...
  8. obliviousninja

    UNSW Finals Allnighter Thread

    tldw; post all necessary trash/bantz/skitz/rantz
  9. obliviousninja

    James Ruse 2015 Jerseys

    Its actually aids
  10. obliviousninja

    How To Slay Thread

    So we are all familiar as to how slay the LGs. But how does one go about slaying the OGs?
  11. obliviousninja

    UNSW 2015 Semester 2 Timetable Thread

    Post Your Sem 2/15 Timetable Official Thread GG plebs. Cable internet master race. Erryone be going qq rn
  12. obliviousninja

    Fight of the century!

    Keeeeeeeeeeeen :punch:
  13. obliviousninja

    FINS1613 summer school roll call

    REKT1613. Now that I've lost my distinction WAM, what am I gonna say when girls ask for the 'D'?
  14. obliviousninja

    SlenderTheMan UNSW Rave Meat Up

    Deets TBA
  15. obliviousninja

    UNSW textbooks for sale

    Selling. Acct textbook and study guide. And micro. Very cheap. Bought new at bookshop. Near brand new. Will chuck in HD notes
  16. obliviousninja

    Paris Terror Attack
  17. obliviousninja

    Shanghai NYE Stampede
  18. obliviousninja

    NYE ABC Coverage Shockingly bad yesterday