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  1. obliviousninja

    Student OPAL cards
  2. obliviousninja

    School Rankings Predictions

    I shook a magic 8 ball and it told me:
  3. obliviousninja

    Post your course preferences thread

    In light of receiving your HSC results, how do these align with your ATAR predictions and the courses you wish to undergo next year? Top 3 should suffice. Also this is great opportunity to get to know some of your BoS counterparts who may be doing the same course as you, or attending the...
  4. obliviousninja

    BoS Donations

    Any benefits? Maybe like an icon underneath the username or a different coloured username? Would donate/10.
  5. obliviousninja

    COD4 Thread

    Need another game to play other than LoL. This classic video has got me wanting to get back into competitive play.
  6. obliviousninja

    UNSW graduates among most employable in Australia
  7. obliviousninja

    Post your results and wam thread (s2/14)

    Post your results and wam thread (s1/15) Keep it short and simple Auf Wiedersehen Results officially out on the 5th of december. However like last sem results may arrive the night before. Gonna be a numbers game again. ~ looks like maths results are out
  8. obliviousninja

    RIP Phil Hughes Heavy days. SIGH
  9. obliviousninja

    Increased Inbox Storage

  10. obliviousninja

    UniSex ;
  11. obliviousninja

    GGWP > engo students
  12. obliviousninja

    Sex with sheep Dem comp engos
  13. obliviousninja

    UNSW Sem 2 Finals Thread

    All aboard the tafe train
  14. obliviousninja


    Floodz 4 dayz
  15. obliviousninja

    Module C: Caesar Discussion

    The forums don't seem to be as structured as last year, so we should create individual threads for each text to facilitate better discussion.
  16. obliviousninja

    Module A: W;t/Donne Discussion

    The forums don't seem to be as structured as last year, so we should create individual threads for each text to facilitate better discussion.
  17. obliviousninja

    Module B: Speeches Discussion

    The forums don't seem to be as structured as last year, so we should create individual threads for each text to facilitate better discussion. My thoughts: GG --> Deane. LOL
  18. obliviousninja

    The 'Ask Any Biology Question' Thread

    Hello there, as I graduate from last year, I want to utilise my knowledge to help others, as I myself have learnt a great deal through these forums. So feel free to ask any questions, and I will do my best to answer them in my spare* time, or maybe someone else on the forum can post a response...
  19. obliviousninja

    Donne/wit. Speeches. Caesar.

    Hey guys, ping me any questions you have on these prescribed texts. I'll do my best to answer them.