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  1. Sy123

    Why is this so?

    These are the marks for 2U and MX1 in 2012 for someone I know Why does one round up to 99 and the other to 98 if both (according to most people) apparently do the operation (Asses + Exam)/2 = HSC
  2. Sy123

    What is 'beautiful about mathematics'

    Following on from this (which is an interesting read to say the least): What do you find beautiful about mathematics? For me as a 'laymathstudent', I find things like infinite series...
  3. Sy123

    Diagrams and other questions

    How do you make diagrams such as those that appear in the HSC? Do HSC papers use MathType or do they use Latex with a different font? Does this matter? Which is easier to use and learn? Thank you
  4. Sy123


    How many words for creative?
  5. Sy123

    Q14 Solutions

    $a)$ $i)$ \ \ \frac{1}{(k+1)^2} - \frac{1}{k} + \frac{1}{k+1} = \frac{1}{(k+1)^2} - \frac{1}{k(k+1)} = \frac{1}{k+1} \left( \frac{1}{k+1} - \frac{1}{k} \right) = \frac{-1}{k(k+1)^2} < 0 \ \ $as$ \ \ k> 0 $ii)$ $Step 1$ \ \ n=2 \frac{1}{1^2} + \frac{1}{2^2} < 2 - \frac{1}{2}...
  6. Sy123

    Geometric Properties of Conics

    What Geometric properties of Conics do we need to know?
  7. Sy123

    Story 'footnotes'

    In my story my characters are travelers in the medieval ages, and I want to refer to the places they are going to as they were called back at the time, in order to clarify where these places are can I put a footnote at the bottom saying where the place is in a modern day context? i.e. The...
  8. Sy123

    UNSW competition senior division Problem 1, Scenario 1. What I was planning to do was, to recursively find the probability of finding people at E on the first night. So, P_{n}(E) = $Probability that on the$ \ nth \ $night the salesman is at$ \ \ E...
  9. Sy123

    Economics essays word count

    So the recommended words for an economics essay is 800 words according to the board of studies. Is this just an average? If we want to aim for 18+/20, should we keep it at 800 words to be succinct or should we go to about 1000-1200 words because I usually have a lot of time remaining after...
  10. Sy123

    Small query about L'Hopital's.

    Say for a question like: \int_0^{\pi /2} \frac{\cos x}{1+ \cos x} \ dx It was Q1 Integation for a trial paper, I knew you just needed to do t=tan(x/2), but I decided to try and find another way: \int_0^{\pi /2} \frac{\cos x - \cos^2 x}{\sin^2 x} \ dx = \int_0^{\pi /2} \csc x \cot x -...
  11. Sy123

    Straight Chain

    It is said that the fact that Glucose polymerizes and alternates the glucose monomers so that the Cellulose is a polymer of alternating sides of glucose, apparently because of this it makes the chain straight? Why is this so?
  12. Sy123

    Perfecting Permutations and Combinations

    So I have come to the realisation that the only thing weighing me down at all is Permutations and Combinations. And I want to perfect my ability to do the harder problems in Perms/Combs I find that for the harder problems, I usually end up not seeing something, end up double counting or not...
  13. Sy123

    The Nature of Proof

    Reading this thread: Sparks many questions, that I think would be good for people to discuss here. === I think the most interesting question that arises from there, is what or who determines the set of axioms that we...
  14. Sy123

    Letslearnscience I just wanted to give this great guy a 'bump' for his great videos on Chemistry, Physics and Biology as a sort of thank you. He has comprehensive videos on specific syllabus points. It really helped me in Chemistry short answer questions, and...
  15. Sy123


    Is is possible for the BOS to ask non-uniform circular motion? I can derive the equation of acceleration quite easy and I was wondering if they hold the ability to ask it since I haven't really seen any questions with non-uniform motion. Also is 3D projectile motion in the syllabus? I...
  16. Sy123

    Structure of the Exam

    The STEP papers are papers made my Cambridge that are taken by students (worldwide?) in order to get into Cambridge Mathematics. The format of the paper is: 13 Questions: 8 Pure Mathematics 3 Mechanics 2 Probability/Stats. You have the opportunity to pick 6 out of these 13 questions, and...
  17. Sy123

    Political Test Do the test and post your results. I fit 'Conservative Cosmopolitan'
  18. Sy123

    Sugar Cane

    In order to grow 1 square unit of sugar cane, this 1 square unit of sugar cane must be next to 1 square unit of water. A farm is established with the goal of finding the most efficient layout of these water and sugar cane units. The efficiency of the farm is measured as a percentage of land...
  19. Sy123

    General Studies 1U pre1995

    Anyone know where I can find the pre-1995 papers for the course General Studies 1U? The 1995-2000 papers are here But I can't find the other ones online.
  20. Sy123

    People don't know HOW to learn.

    The fundamental reason why people study so much unnecessarily is because they don't know how to learn properly. I don't mean just rote learning but rather attaining knowledge, people don't know how to do so and must therefore compensate by studying much harder. Discuss