I changed my mind about which university I wanted to go to after the closing date to change preferences. And I ended up getting my first choice.
How likely am I to receive an offer to unsw in the built environment field (construction management and property) which has an atar of 80 in the...
I've changed my mind and I really want to get into my second UAC preference which is a course at UNSW (which I have guaranteed entry to), but since we can't change preferences anymore would I still be able to make it in, in the Main Round? My first preference has an ATAR cut off slightly above...
Pick up at city or fairfield area. PM me here or on facebook:https://www.facebook.com/dasha.lacoste if you want to buy any of these.
I will give you a discount if you buy in a bundle xx
Maths in Focus - $ 25
Excel Mathematics - $30
2u Maths couchman - $10
hemistry, Maths ext, Physics and Legal studies. [/I]
Pick up at city or banksia. PM me here or on facebook:https://www.facebook.com/dasha.lacoste if you want to buy any of these.
I will give you a discount if you buy in a bundle :awesome: xx
Maths in Focus - $ 25
SELLING HSC/Preliminary textbooks for Chemistry, Maths ext, Physics and Legal studies.
Pick up at city or banksia. PM me here or on facebook:https://www.facebook.com/dasha.lacoste if you want to buy any of these.
I will give you a discount if you buy in a bundle :awesome: xx
do you answer by saying " to a significant extent", "to a compelling extent" or are you not meant to say that at all? I'm so confused have been getting different responses from different people/teachers
Post you first preference or all of them. What are your plans for future etc.
Mine are:
1) Bachelor of Construction Management and Property - UNSW
2) Bachelor of Construction Project Management - UTS
3) Bachelor of City Planning (Honours) - full time at UNSW
4) Bachelor of Exercise...
I'm applying for a course specific scholarship at UNSW but I also applied for SRS (school recommendation scheme). The SRS program doesn't include UNSW, so I'm applying for a UTS course through it. Now to my understanding you can only receive SRS if you put the course at the participating...
UNSW offers Construction Management and Property which is a 3 year degree whilst UTS offers B of Construction Project Management which is 4 year degrees. For some reason the UTS degree has an ATAR requirement of 11 points more than UNSW, does that mean it's better? Which uni has the better Build...
School rank fluctuates a lot but its ranks are approx 120 - 250
General Maths - 2/13 ------ 93
Chemistry - 10/20 ----- 85
English ext - 3/3 ----- 82
English adv - 7/20 ---- 83
Legal Studies - 4/7 ---- 90
Ukrainian - 1/3 ---- accelerated hsc mark is 96
My English ranks should improve since I...
How does state ranking work, I've always been very curious. If your first/second in state does your mark automatically scale to 99.95??
Asking again since I asked the question wrong XD
How does state ranking work, I've always been very curious. If your first/second in state does your mark automatically scale to 99.95? Also lets say hypothetically there's 15 people in the state getting full marks in externals for Legal Studies how is it decided what rank they are in the state?
Discuss the issue of "seeking leave to appeal"
In answer include:
- Do you think this is in line with natural justice?
- Should everyone have the right to appeal?
- Illustrate with specific cases?
I asked the teacher for help and didn't understand what she was saying....
What should I...
Hello, I have searched everywhere and came up blank. What are the prerequisites for dentistry? I have 2 more weeks to swap subjects. I know I have to do UMAT and GAMSAT for post grad. But what are the actual subject prerequisites? PLEASE HELP!!!
Im doing
- Visual Arts
- Maths Ext 1