I just got my first assessment for English Advanced and I aiming to get a band 6 in it, since its going to internal marks. I am looking for a good english tutor who could be able to read through my essay, add changes and give feedback and help me with improving for a band 6 grade. Im looking for...
Hi, if any one has any text (essay, analysis etc) relating to life of pi, it would be really appreciated and helpful if you could send it to me! :read::oldrolleyes:
Hey guys I just got my English advanced assessment where we have to select a text that represent interesting ideas about human experience. Please recommend any texts that you feel conveys a good meaning about human experience. It will be more useful if it's a picture book. :)
Hey guys, so I just got my English adv assessment and we are to select a text that represents interesting ideas about human experiences. It can be from books, poems, picture books, documentaries and so on. If you please know some unique and good examples please inform me as it will be helpful. :)
So in our school science extension is running this year and i got elected because i had an overall mark of 80% in biology. Should i do it or no? I was considering not dropping any subjects for yr 12 so i don't know if science extensions can make it harder for me since we have it 4 times a...
I will be heading off to yr 12 when term 4 begins. I don't know what subject to drop, i like all of them but some can be too theory and heavy topic based while others are just boring. If i drop a subject will that subsequently affect my ATAR? If i keep all the subjects will it cause more stress...
Hi guys,
I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF anyone can help me in what to include for a Elective History: World Leaders unit program. Like what kind of activities/lessons I should include and what leaders I should talk about.
I was wondering if anyone has done World Leaders as a unit in Elective History, if you have or have any idea about the program that was held in your class, I would really appreciate if you could help me.
Has anyone done World Leaders as a Elective History unit? I am after a unit program for it, I would really appreciate if anyone is able to help me with it.
Hey guys, by any chance did anyone have any worked solutions for the New Century Maths textbook (HSC course)?? I really need them atm, and I will be more than happy if someone is able to help in anyway. It could be any chapters from the book.
Thank you!!!
Does anyone have any simple notes for business studies (HSC), that are easy to memorise. It could be for any 4 topics (Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations). Thank you!!!
Does anyone have the worked solutions for chapter 1 (Loans and annuities) from the New Century Maths Textbook (HSC course). It will be the biggest help if anyone is able to help in anyway. Thank you!
Does anyone have the worked solutions for the New Century Maths Textbook (HSC Course)? It can be for any chapter ( Loans and Annuities, probability, etc) Will be the biggest help if anyone does. I will be soooo happy if anyone is able to help in any way. Thank you!