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  1. H

    Question about 12 units

    Hello, Currently i have 12 units, economics and biology begin my lowest (economics has just a slightly higher rank than bio) Does the board take the one that has the MOST EFFECT on the ATAR? Or does it take the one that has a higher HSC MARK? Thanks
  2. H

    Salt Bridge

    The salt bridge in the galvanic is cell is used for the migration of ions between half-cells for neutralisation of excess charge Say we have a galvanic cell: Mg(s) | Mg2+ || Cu(s) | Cu2+ (where magnesium the anode and copper is the cathode) As time progresses, magnesium is oxidised into...
  3. H

    Inequalities problem

    $Let $a,b,c $ be positive real numbers with sum 3. Prove that \\ \equation{\sqrt{a} + \sqrt{b}+\sqrt{c} \geq ab + bc + ca} I found this problem a while ago and worked it out but the end step was a bit weird (i'll post it up when i'm done with a some past papers) The question is found here...
  4. H

    Induction working out...

    Hi, can someone please check my WORKING OUT? $A sequence of numbers $T_n$ is given by $T_1 = 2, T_2 = 16$ and \\T_n = 8T_{n-1} - 15T_{n-2}$ $ for $n \geq 3 \\ \\ (i)$Use the method of M. induction to show that T_n = 5^n - 3^n$ $ for $n\geq1 This is what I did: Step 1: Show true for...
  5. H

    Reactivity of O2 and O3

    When comparing the reactivity of oxygen and ozone, do i compare BOND ENERGIES?
  6. H

    HSC Plus

    Hey, I was wondering with HSC Plus whether or not I would receive bonus points for a subject that does not fall into my top 10 units. E.g. I’m currently doing 13 units worth of subjects, in the case that say I score an E3 for Extension 1 Maths but it is not high enough to be considered in my...
  7. H

    Quick question on BSc

    Say i do this course and pick a major - psychology, is this the same as bachelor of psychology? (like what i learn and future jobs)
  8. H

    Working out help (induction)

    Hi, could anyone please check my working out? Question: $If $u_1 = 1$ and u_n = \sqrt{3u_{n-1}}$ $ for n \geq 2,$ $ show that u_n <3$ $ for $n\geq 1$ and deduce that u_{n+1} > u_n$ $ for n\geq 1 1. u_n = \sqrt{3u_{n-1}},$ RTP: u_n <3$ \\ $Show true for $n = 2, u_2 = \sqrt{3u_1} = \sqrt{3} <3...
  9. H

    A quick UMAT query

    For the certified letter of identification, when I sign it (above my photo), should i write down 'student's signature'? or can i just leave it blankly with just my signature
  10. H

    Some queries

    1. \int \frac{cos^{-1}\frac{2x}{3}}{\sqrt{9-4x^2}}dx = -\frac{\left ( cos^{-1}\frac{2x}{3} \right )^2}{2} +C Can i just do this?(should i write: using reverse chain rule) Or should i do int. by subsitution? 2. \binom{n}{0} + \binom{n}{1} + \dots +\binom{n}{n} = 2^n When i did this...
  11. H

    Discuss the impacts of exchange rate volatility

    Discuss the impacts of exchange rate volatility Can anyone, please put in dot pts, what would be the main ideas that a human must discuss to achieve maximum marks for this question Thanks all i can think of is talking about effects of low AUD and high AUD...
  12. H

    Perms and combs with probability help

    1) Eight people are to be divided into 2 groups. What is the probability that there will be 4 in each group. My go P($4 each) = $\frac{\binom{8}{4}\binom{4}{4}}{\binom{8}{1}\binom{7}{7} + \binom{8}{2}\binom{6}{6} + \dots + \binom{8}{7}\binom{1}{1}} =...
  13. H

    BCom/BSc or w/e

    1. Whats the difference in doing BCom/BSc at USyd and UNSW? 2. Say i pick chemistry or physics for science and i fail it or lost my interests on it, what will happen? Thanks to every human who answers this! :D
  14. H

    Germs and bombs

    Eight people attend a meeting. They are provided with 2 circular tables, one seating 3 humans, the other 5 humans. i) How many seating arrangements are possible? ii) If the seating is done randomly, what is the probability that a particular couple are on different tables? I will be...
  15. H

    Induction help

    Prove by mathematical induction that: 2^n > 3n^2 for n is greater or equal to 8 n=8, true n=k, 2^k > 3k^2 n=k+1, 2^(k+1) > 3(K+1)^2 DAMN forgot to copy from latex LHS = 2.2^k >6k^2 = 3k^2 + 6k + 3 + 3k^2 - 6k - 3 =3(k+1)^2 + 3k^2 - 6k - 3 All i need to do is to prove that 3k^2 - 6k - 3...
  16. H


    What is the state of hydronium ion?
  17. H

    Help for complex numbers

    $ Suppose that \alpha $ $ is a fixed complex number and $|\alpha| <1.$ Show that $|z| \leq 1 $ if and only if $\left | \frac{z - \alpha}{1 - \bar\alpha z} \right | \leq 1
  18. H

    Locus help plz, upcoming exam in a couple of days!

    Questions such as: $ Find the locus of z if $arg(\frac{z-3+2i}{z-5-3i}) = \frac{\pi}{3} i never seen these in an actual HSC paper yet, but i know this question will be in my test and i wanna know a different way from what i was taught (just in-case i forget how to do 1 method) To be briefly...
  19. H

    WTF IS THIS! Please read this!

    This website doesn't display email address right? Rita Birara Add to contacts From: Rita Birara ( Sent: Monday, 4 February 2013 6:42:27 PM To: Microsoft SmartScreen marked this message as junk and we'll delete it after ten days. Wait, it's safe...
  20. H

    Integration question

    \int xe^{-x}.dx Me and my friend found 2 methods, but end up with 2 different answers...