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  1. H

    Complex numbers- locus

    Let l be the line in the complex plane that passes through the origin and makes an angle alpha with the positive axis, where 0 < alpha < PI/2
  2. H

    Kinda Hard SKETCHING question y = arcsin(cosx)

    can someone LaTeX their step my step process to sketching : y = arcsin(cosx) Thanks
  3. H

    I don't do engineering and don't know all the details on the issue.

    I want to do Engineering at university, can someone provide me details because i dont do engineering/physics at the moment. However, i do maths(3unit, gonna keep it in year 12), i do chem and bio and legal and business. Can I still get in, or what do i do?
  4. H

    Past papers with solutions plz

    can someone post up james ruse 3 unit trial hsc past papers? with solutions please :D
  5. H

    Projectile Motion - D.O.M - 3 UNITZZ

    Direction of Motion question - I JUST NEED ANSWERS FOR EACH PART, NO WORKING OUT IS NEEDED. A steady wind is blowing with a speed of 36km/hour. From clouds moving horizontally with the wind, heavy raindrops fall to the ground 200m below. a) Find the time taken for a drop to reach the ground...