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  1. zxreth

    just wondering...

    Hey guys, just wondering how you guys are all going with your assignments. I submitted mine this week and i know its quite cliche but it truly does feel like a lot has been lifted off my shoulders and it is the biggest relief. Just keep pushing it guys, i had a lot of late nights on this project...
  2. zxreth

    Past HSC Paper Books

    Hey guys, i was just wondering in your opinion which books are better to get for chem/physics past hsc papers with worked solutions. Would you prefer success one or "Past HSC Questions by Topic Guide" - by Catherine Odlum...
  3. zxreth

    guess my atar

    school rank: 98 English Advanced: 25/44 (last year whole cohort got 80+) Physics: 24/70 (top 30-35 usually get band 5) Chemistry: 26/68 (top 30-35 usually get band 5) Mathematics: 22/100 Mathematics Extension 1: 33/70 (top 40 get band 5) Modern History: 15/50 History Extension:2/7 My aim is an...
  4. zxreth

    need estimate!

    school rank: 98 English Advanced: 25/44 (last year whole cohort got 80+) Physics: 24/70 (top 30-35 usually get band 5) Chemistry: 26/68 (top 30-35 usually get band 5) Mathematics: 22/100 Mathematics Extension 1: 33/70 (top 40 get band 5) Modern History: 15/50 History Extension:2/7 My aim is an...
  5. zxreth


    Hey guys, just wondering cause i'm a little confused atm. Is it ok to NOT have historiographical debate in 1 or 2 aspects of your essay because historians all have the same view regarding this aspect? I'm having a little trouble because in 1/2 of my aspects historians all think of it the same...
  6. zxreth

    Lithium Cell

    Hey guys, could someone just tell me what the oxidation/reduction equations are for the lithium-ion battery. thanks!
  7. zxreth


    hey guys, just wanted to see how far you guys are into your assignments? personally, i haven't started yet. i've just been gathering up books and extracting relevant info from them thus far but i should be starting it sometime next week. anyways hope to hear how far into it you guys are! =]
  8. zxreth


    hey guys, just wondering if anyones done or is going to do the STAT test. If so, how hard is it in comparison to umat? does it require same amount of time/preparation? also when is the last day to pay for it? because i seriously can't find that anywhere. any advice/info would be appreciated...
  9. zxreth

    UMAT Registrations are open!

    whens the deadline?
  10. zxreth

    trading umat resources

    As title says, i am interested in trading umat materials with anyone who has stuff that i need. PM me if interested and i'll let you know what i have and you can do the same then we can swap, provided i don't already have your resources. Also i can send screen shots if required.
  11. zxreth

    ideas for major assignment

    title speaks for itself, and im starting this thread because due to recent problems in the site it is not possible to view old threads on this same topic. Thanks! =]
  12. zxreth

    heat of combustion

    1.In a polystyrene calorimeter, 1g of sodium hydroxide crystals was dissolved in 50g of water. The initial temperature of the water was 21.5°C. The maximum temperature of the mixture was 26.2°C. Assuming the specific heat capacity of the mixture was 4.2J/K/g. calculate the: a) enthalpy change...
  13. zxreth


    so, who here are planning to attend the free year 11 final exam work shops at the alpha omega centres around sydney these holidays? (liverpool, burwood, auburn)
  14. zxreth

    chem prac.

    so basically i have to write up a method for an experiement before i have even done the experiment. the experiment is the combustion of alcohol (methanol, ethanol and propanol) does it require me to just simply place the alcohol in a testube, and then heat it over a bunsen burner? if yes, then...
  15. zxreth

    physics question

    what technological developments were necessary before the GPS became a reality?
  16. zxreth

    Chem HELP!

    Hey guys i need help with the following questions: 1.0L of alcohol burns in 3.0L of oxygen to produce 2.0L of carbon dioxide. a)write the molecular formula for the alcohol b)write the balanced equation for the combustion c)What is the molar mass of the alcohol d)what assumption are you...
  17. zxreth


    Just wondering if anyone has any notes on the novel "1984" by George Orwell. Any kind of notes would be greatly appreciated! thanks! =]
  18. zxreth

    marks or ranks?

    basically i just wanted to know what is more important during the HSC, ranks or marks? Thanks! =]
  19. zxreth

    Arab - Israeli Conflict

    Hey guys, so basically as stated above i need help on the arab-israeli conflict. i have an assignment to do on this topic which involves writing a 1000 word essay through which i will answer the following question: Assess the impact of British Policy on Palestine in the years 1914-1948...
  20. zxreth

    Common cations and annions

    are we normally given a sheet with all the names, formulas and charges of common ions (cations and annions)? if not, what would YOU recommend remembering?? Thanks<!-- google_ad_section_end --></SPAN>