I've been doing a few maths papers and i need help with these questions, and if you can give me worked solution to them that would be nice.
Thanks !
Hey guys,
Friend wants an estimate.
English standard - 24/124
Business studoes - 34/70
Information Process & Technology - 8/34
Industrial Technology: timber - 14/25
Hospitality - Trial exam mark 43/100
School Rank: 300
Hey guys,
Does anyone have past papers for IPT that they would like to give or can anyone tell me where to get them.
I would really appreciate it
Every time I finish my study which is usually around 1.5 - 2.5 hours I get a feeling that I haven't done enough. How much work should I expect done in around 2 hours ? Usually I finish my Math homework (1.2 hours), then start reading some notes often Physics, Engineering studies and IPT...
Hey guys,
I want to start doing some past papers on space to prepare for the half yearly but the thing is when start doing the papers I can only answer some of the questions like 3/10 of it. What should I do ?
Refer to my jacaranda book to help me answer the questions ???, Download notes off...