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    1234 Night

    I'll have gelato.
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    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    So how did everyone find it? Personally I wouldn't mind going again just for the free drinks and finger food. Although compulsory, anyone can really sign your name off for you and you wouldn't have to attend.
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    Bird Flu

    I remember on the news they said the pandemic was inevitable :| Maybe I heard wrong but it was TV awhile ago. Its moved towards Europe now and people are being quarantined.
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    Should I buy Ipod Nano?

    Theres anothing wrong with second iPODs. Saw one on another forum for $180 (4gigs/latest gen). Sure you can probably get a second hand nano but it wont be less than $300 at this moment and not as cheap since its new, only after a few months or so will the price drop considerably. Are they...
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    Important - Please Read

    Dear chocolate-craving Lynn, Your hamsters breath smells like hamster food. Your fellow MQer. Brian.
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    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Heh, I think i have those too.
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    I've only bought photography equipment from Ebay and some minor stuff but never clothes. If your an Ebay n00b then you need someone whose experienced to guide you, otherwise you'll be rippedoff sideways, frontways and backways.
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    Should I buy Ipod Nano?

    Because with the student discount you can get an extra 2 gigs worth for $70 less (which I don't know if its offered anymore but second-hand ipods would be cheaper). Maybe after a few months would I consider it, call me a tightarse but a colour screen and unnoticeable carry-in-pocket-weight...
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    fake tan

    Overtan yourself orange and move to Japan.
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    GOODLUCK 2005ers!

    Yeah have fun. :|
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    NRL poll

    Hooker..... If i did play I would like winger. Lots of speed aong the sidelines.
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    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    =$739 :eek:
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    What am I still doing up?

    Yeah some students are plain crazy, they do an all-niter before each exam....
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    Half Price Optus Internet

    I gotta try that.....
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    Pc too hot? add some fans

    Just keep the case open and have a 500mm fan blow into it. Or build a chassis out of a mini fridge.
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    Digital foto-camera transfering

    I do my own B&W prints :D yeah printing can be cheap but they quality does vary.
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    Should I buy Ipod Nano?

    I would rather spend th emoney on a mini and get it engraved at the same time.
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    ipod student discount

    JB Hifi were also taking part of the student discount offers for the iPod minis. Not sure if they offer it anymore but you should go ask because they don't advertise it.
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    The Official Football Thread 2005/2006

    Joe Cole has been playing well, just doesn't get enough time, Robben has been dissapointing lately but he's working hard for Holland.
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    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    I've got this lovely CK tan jacket that cost me $100 US that i bought in California but never had the oppurtunity to wear it to anything yet. But i just bought: Van Heusen white and blue-striped longsleeve shirt and tie. Tarocash fibre black pants. Job interview soon ;)