Search results

  1. B

    What is emo?

    Its a typo, its really Elmo music.
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    amazing soccer juggling

    Hmmm some tricks most soccer players could do but there were a few intereting ones. What the hell was that pillow for?
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    The Official Football Thread 2005/2006

    Mwuahahah 5-1 *hails Lampard*
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    The Official Cricket Thread 2006/2007

    I saw Mark Waugh today at Woolies
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    Christmas Casual Hiring 2005

    anyone here apply for Australian post and got called up for the medical exam?
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    Newb to the workforce

    If you have no previous work experience then you must include/attach your last set of school results.
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    World Cup

    Tickets for all the games sold out pretty quickly, but nonetheless the atmosphere would be enjoyable. I know a friend who is going to study in Germany during that time.
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    Bad Dates

    Sorry Komaticom, bidding has just closed.
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    FFVII is the best game ever

    True that. Those were the days.
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    what game are you best at, undefeatable?

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    Bad Dates

    I only accept Paypal/Direct Deposit/International Money Orders
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    Bad Dates

    According to ...... not much.
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    Stas' official betting thread

    My comment about betting on horses still stands.
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    The Official Football Thread 2005/2006

    Damnit Chelsea are 1 down.
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    American Football Thread

    You don't follow the team or the game?
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    How do you get into big business?

    Why not just marry the owner of some large coporations' daughter.
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    The Official Football Thread 2005/2006

    Predictions: Winners Chelsea (vs Bolton) Liverpool (vs Bolton) Manchester UTD (vs Sunderland) Tottenham (vs Everton) Arsenal (vs West Brom) Middlesborough (vs Portsmouth)
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    American Football Thread

    San Francisco 49ers!!!!!!!!!!
  19. B

    Stas' official betting thread

    :rolleyes: Well you lose. Winner was Railings who stole the win at the final moment from Mummify. Horses are hard to predict, there are just too many competitors at the one time unlike 50-50 sports. Either way, gambling is bad.