Hey ppl!
Couple of things i need help with:
1.Which type of fuels: solid, liquid or gas give off the most energy per gram? Why?
2.Explain how a chemist could prove experimentally that the equlibrium in a saturated salt solution was dynamic
Edit: found out question 2. Just need help with...
im having trouble obtaining media resources, articles and journals based on legal cases for assessments (preferably based on struggle for legal justice faced by young people and children cause that's our focus group we're doing) . Other then SMH do any of you guys know where to find them?
hey do any of you guys have your past water module practicals on your computers? Do you mind if i take a look cause umm... i have an assessment prac for chem tommorow and wanted to look at your discussions and analysis of results for your pracs.
i got the 2007 quiz just not the answers which is a load of bs LOL i asked my teacher solutions and she didnt have any. hey do any of you happen to have the answers to the chem quiz? or do you by any chance know where to get it?
LOL... *sigh* can't do this one! It's a sign that i'm locked on holiday mode LOL! hope u guys could help me out with this one. probably too easy for u all :p
The question is : For what value of n will one root of the equation
(n-2)x^2 + (n+2)x + 2n + 1 = 0 be the reciprocal of the other?
hey hey ppls i have a mental blank..! how do u get ur brains going so that u can start that study,work on that assessment u've been longing to work on, or just get inspiration for that creative writing piece for eng?
P.S my traditional methods of getting my brain going isnt really working...
well... im not in a very academic school despite what my vice principal constantly says... i was planning to drop extension mathematics... the problem is if i do drop it i'll have to change to another class where academic morale is on an all time low... i feel as if i do drop i'll fall into the...
Hey does anyone have any newspaper articles regarding an individual challenging state power.... i was tryng to find trade unions challenging the workchoices but couldnt find that article... and i don't wanna do the olympic swimmer case cause every1 is going to do that
Does anyone know where to get info about the recycling of aluminum... i have to do a powerpoint presentation for my assessment based on the extraction and recycling of metals. I have some info in my textbooks but i don't want to rely on it too heavily because i just know everyone will jsut steal...
What would happen if u had 5 2 unit subjects and 1 exts... how would ur 1 ext mark be accounted for in ur uai if it were 1 of ur top 10 units? or would it not be counted at all towards your HSC?...
How the hell r u meant to 'describe main events in the French revolution between 1792-1795" in 500-600 words?!?!?! it's too short to describe a 3 yr period of blood and gore :( any ideas on how an essay like that is meant to be short yet "clear and well structured and supported by relevant and...
1. The Iliad/ The odyssey
2. Madame Bovary
3. Anna Karenina
4. i. War and Peace
5. Crime and Punishment
6. Dr Zhivago
7. Old Goriot
8. Unvle Vanya
9. Don quixote
10. The Miser
11. Eugene Onegin
12. Fathers and Sons
13. Vanity Fair
14. The Magic Mountain
15. Les Miserables
16. Maestro and...
Can anyone suggest any reliable books (don't need textbooks already have some :D) and websites which would be good on understanding the 1892-1895 reign of terror or anything about the value of the role Robespierre played in that period of time?
does anyone have previous essays on concept of change... cause were doing it as a yr 11 AoS and my teacher says my writing = crap... of course she said it in a more suttle way like "oh u didn't really approach the task the way i wanted too... u have to have a more universal perspective about...
Re: Prelim Subjects '08
Don't the extra 2 to 3 unit subjects act as "padding" because if u do crap in one subject u can make up for it in another and those 2 or 3 units extra that u did crap in won't go towards ur uai... that's what i was told :D