Well a lot of people have said that people who do get laptops might lose their ability to write neatly and quickly over time. How did the people with laptops overcome that considering written exams seem like such a huge component in university courses?
hey i was wondering if any of you were there and can confirm the lecturer's idea that the core is the most important because it is used to moderate sections II, III, IV.
Do we need to know the entire actual process law reform commissions undertake to send submissions into the attorney general for consideration of changing the law?
Do we just need to know just that they make inquiry into referrals and that they write a report to the attorney general and...
if they asked you a question on what the factors were affecting criminal behaviour... would anyone put genetic theories as one? because it's actually in the derwent, hamper and draper legal studies textbook but not much information to substantiate the claim. or should i just put social, economic...
School rank 442 should move up by quite a bit because it's a relatively strong cohort :S but that's what everyone says hahaha
English adv:1st/60ish-70
English Ext: 2nd/8
Chem: 1st/31
Legals: 1st/32
Modern: 1/10
Mathematics: 6/70
Trial marks except for maths and chem are high 80s to low 90s...
1. A circular metal plate is cut into two segments along a chord equal in length to the radius. What is the ratio of the areas of the two segments?
2. A sheep grazing in a paddock is tethered to a stake by a rope 20m long. If the stake is 10m from the fence, find the area over which the sheep...
I was given a 23/25 for the essay and although it is a good mark it's not a great mark. I keep getting 1 mark (got 9 for section 1 which was out of 10 and second section 14 out of 15) off the top mark and when i make an enquiry as to why i lost that mark, the history faculty always say im just...
I was given a 23/25 for the essay and although it is a good mark it's not a great mark. I keep getting 1 mark (got 9 for section 1 which was out of 10 and second section 14 out of 15) off the top mark and when i make an enquiry as to why i lost that mark, the history faculty always say im just...
Hmm... i'm just going through the Fitzpatrick 2 unit course for years 11 and 12 and i can't seem to find where rates of change are... it's not under applications of calculus to the physical world... anyone happen to know which chapter it's in or page it's on?
My school refuses to give me one based on my current results (something amongst the lines of "we don't want to give you false hope") but i would really like to know where i am and how much i need to improve to obtain my goal :(. If i'm in a crappy ranked school (somewhere in the 400s - but i...