I was wondering how easy it is to make friends in university.... Are most people open to new friendships? Also generally do First Years mingle with First Years and so on..... Are many people lonely when they first start uni? Also... do many university friendships last the test of time?
Thx in...
A Semester overseas.... lots of wasted money... lots of people you want to round up and shoot due to obvious racial handicap.... is there really much benefit to the whole exchange program.... I think the whole experience would just leave me moody... Pros/Cons plz.
Who does this?.... Why can it be counted as an arts subject..... does it have more humanities based assessments within it then an average science? Can you analyze and manipulate people if you major in it?
Can someone please give me a rough idea of what is the nationality and gender make up of certain courses.... Please include: Arts, Science, Economics, Engineering, Education and Creative Arts. Although university's may differ, try give a general overview.
Thanx a bunch :D
I have read about these "Multi-Faith" Centres at various universities...... Honestly can someone answer if this is an adequate environment to perform my prayers.... and also, how "Multi-faith are they? Do they show where Mecca or have the crucifix at the centre of the building....
Do Lectures/Coordinators and the Students within them care if you are late to one of their lessons, like will you get in trouble? I have this fear that I'll walk into a lecture around 15 minutes late cause I got lost and everyone will laugh at me. Should I worry about this? :cold: