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  1. flaganarchy

    Anarchism... Does it have merits?

    Can anyone argue sanity in a political adaptation of Anarchism.... Plz no PuNx quoting the SeX PiStOlS.... you are all cool I know. :) A World without class, borders or nations does seem very nice.
  2. flaganarchy

    Palastinian Solidarity Week!

    Anyone getting involved?..... or objecting.
  3. flaganarchy

    Sub-Zero Air Conditioning

    I saw a thread like this on another board and decided to steal it.... what room do you think has the coldest air conditioning at usyd? Merewether Lecture Room is my coldest... lol
  4. flaganarchy

    Introductory Languages move too fast!

    Do most people agree? I already dropped the second semester half of my Introductory Spanish for some more ECOP :-)
  5. flaganarchy

    Dropping a degree...

    Hey BOS hopefully someone can help me with this... I am doing a B. Social Work/B.Arts I basically chose to combine my degree with arts because the first two years of S.W. is straight arts which is kinda weird but I thought I might as well grab a major in arts through staying at uni one extra...
  6. flaganarchy

    Whats the furthest you have had to walk between classes?

    For me its from PSYC at Wallace to ECOP in the PNF building.... its a bitch.
  7. flaganarchy

    Caped people

    Its probably a n00b question but who ar ehte caped people carrying bricks lol? Is it some sort of initiation ritual, thats my guess....?
  8. flaganarchy

    Half your age + 7

    Is this the failsafe method for age difference?
  9. flaganarchy

    Demonoid? Can someone please refer me :)?

    I really want to get torrentz off Demonoid but I need someone to refer me.... Surely someone on bored uses it? Plz refer meeeeee! Thanks in advance :)
  10. flaganarchy

    What is the political orientation of b.arts students?

    Left, Right, in-between.... Discuss
  11. flaganarchy

    Amanda Palmer 2009

    Anyone go to her show at the Opera House last night? It was really good..... anyone intending to go to the others?
  12. flaganarchy

    What Clubs and Societies did you join today?

    As Above.
  13. flaganarchy

    Reds are on the Rise?

    I saw a glimpse of ten news this arvo and it said that the Communist party of Australia is gaining support and intend to run for state and federal government soon..... Is this just channel ten spreading fear or does anyone know something to confirm this?
  14. flaganarchy

    ECOP Question/Opinion

    What subject do you think is more interesting for second semester? ECOP 1003 - International Economy and Finance or ECOP 1004 - Economy and Society
  15. flaganarchy

    University Map....

    This can be a thread about Sydney's maps and stuff on the internet but I have a question.... I have searched for 'TC Psych Tutorial Rm 401' Does anyone know where that is... Its not on any map I have looked at. Thx
  16. flaganarchy

    Tutorials in the First Week

    Most of the tutorials on my timetable say week 1-14 or whatever... which means they start next week right? I have heard most people say that they aren't on in the first week because you haven't had any lectures yet.... My first class on my timetable is a tutorial... should I go to it because it...
  17. flaganarchy

    How was your second day at uni?

    Any better then the first? Discuss
  18. flaganarchy

    What Language is cooler?

    French, Spanish or Japanese?!?!?
  19. flaganarchy


    PWN Urself ?????? Oscar Profit :) Discuss
  20. flaganarchy

    Official Welcome/s?

    Is it advisable to go to these things during orientation week? Can someone tell me what exactly happens at them, like the official one and like the arts faculty one as an example.? :D kthx