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  1. chockie

    Does God exist?

    lol and you do it in such an intelligent way :)
  2. chockie

    Does God exist?

    i wasn't actually trying to prove anything - i was outlining the Christian belief about sin and God in an attempt to answer the blood question. i would've thought that was obvious.
  3. chockie

    Does God exist?

    From my knowledge the requirement of blood has a lot to do with God's character. He is a just God, and He is also perfect. As creator of both people and the universe, he deserves unquestioning obedience. Sin isn't confined to actions...'i never murdered anyone, i'm a good person ra ra ra'...
  4. chockie

    Does God exist?

    Thanks Wilmo, you said it much better :) I'm not too good with expressing my opinions at the best of times.
  5. chockie

    Does God exist?

    In the Old Testament, priests sacrificed lambs to atone for their people's sins. Because God is perfect, any sin against him must be punished. The idea was that a lamb's blood would be shed and God would accept this as a sufficient atonement. This practice stopped after Jesus died. As the...
  6. chockie

    Does God exist?

    Unless you're prepared to deny that a man named Jesus ever existed, then you have to at least consider the claims he made.
  7. chockie

    Does God exist?

    It wasn't my suggestion, i was quoting - "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) That Jesus claimed to actually BE the truth is a pretty big my opinion he must be either mad or power hungry or...not lying. Mad - well no historical fact about him...
  8. chockie

    Does God exist?

    i can't remember who said it...but whoever said that even if proof was found for God, they wouldn't follow the bible... whether God exists or not, imagine what the world would be like if everyone followed the bible's values of love, forgiveness, helping the poor, healing the broken etc...
  9. chockie

    UAI without tutors?

    98.15 with no independent streak wouldn't let me.
  10. chockie

    Ext 2 English!!!

    Wow, i would love to read your work. Congrats to you and everyone else who scored 50 :)
  11. chockie

    What UAI did you get?

    ya me too!!! i got 98.15....and english was what brought it down. but i guess i'm pretty happy anyway.
  12. chockie

    Ext 2 English!!!

    Me too!!! I absolutely couldn't believe it was my best mark. My assessment was something like 47, which was a bit of a fluke seeing as I wrote my entire story in two weeks just before it was due...I ended up with 49 hsc mark! Woohoooooo :)
  13. chockie

    Did everyone get a goodluck email from USYD?

    Yeah i got both email and was kind of weird seeing my name in the picture on the front.
  14. chockie

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    art done.........wooHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shared my joy at finishing with the markers after i finished my art essay....hope they don't mind
  15. chockie

    Damaged BOW anyone?

    yeah we had an exhibition at school before they were marked too. our works were moved by yr 9 kids without us knowing...part of mine was broken off and lost. I couldn't replace it was a volcanic rock i'd found on some remote beach in New Zealand when i was about 7. I ended up...
  16. chockie

    Selection of Pens

    BIC Smoothie... the shape is a bit weird but i swear i write at least a page extra when i use those. And one's lasted me five exams.
  17. chockie

    Section III - Studies in Peace and Conflict

    i did Ireland...anyone else? It was ok, i was hoping for a question on the British troops but the Provisional IRA was ok I guess. I had no idea for b. I first read about the 1998 Easter agreement at five to nine this morning.
  18. chockie

    Hows your room?

    hey thanks
  19. chockie

    Hows your room?

    i study at the dining room table and paint the wall when i get bored.