The first year history subjects are all really broad...more overviews of time periods etc. than specific and indepth towards a certain event. That can be good or bad.
I hated the Middle Ages course, probably because I knew nothing about the Middle Ages when I started it, and so going through...
Is it a bad idea to change subjects now...seeing I'd have missed some lectures already? And i'd probably end up with a worse timetable? Or do a lot of people do it?
Ok...for my degree I have to do one arts major. I originally put history for my subject choice, but while I would enjoy it, it seems kind of a dead end. Unless I wanted to be a history teacher, which I don't.
Was reading about anthropology yesterday and it sounded interesting...but I'm still...
Once in Telstra stadium everyone was standing on their chairs cheering and stuff...they're those flippy chairs. I stuck my foot in the gap between the seat part and the back, and lifted my other foot at the same time.
Yeah...I flew over into the aisle behind and grabbed whatever was...
With my HSC marks, it was spot on...SAM said 98.15 and I got 98.15.
But earlier in the year i estimated marks and it came up with 93 or something. So yeah, you really have to wait till the HSC marks come out.
I've just done a bit of reading and I'm leaning towards I'll probably see you there :D I'm going to ask my friend about italian - she did it for the HSC as well so I'd have someone to practice with. But thanks for the's on the list :)
Yay! i'm not alone...although I'm doing advanced :( Um...I'm not sure what majors, but I was thinking maybe history and psychology or marine science? I don't know. And language...psh, probably French or German or something. Any suggestions? What are you doing?
I didn't like that either. And i think i wouldn't have hurt to add an extra half hour...the first half of the movie felt too rushed. It didn't feel that long as a whole, so i don't think keeping more in would've made it drag at all.
I liked it when Harry spat his drink when Cho looked at him :D