english is soo subjective!
i used my 24/25 trial for my assesment (exactly the same with integrated stimulus) and i got 18/20 :'(
i reckon my imagin. was waaay better than my 24/25 so yea
im looking forward to good marks
cept not for essay :O
woah....my HOD of english was telling us about how like the majority of EE1 students fill like 2 booklets
im so glad im almost in the rank with you guys :D
i wrote 10 page creative (my trial was 4 pages...and i got 24/25 so hopefully with 10 pages ill get like 36/25.... lol and YES i know...
i thought the paper was excellent
nothing was out of the ordinary
has anyone noticed that all english stuff this HSC has been really conservative?
Nothing crazy like feature articles or anything
ive only written essays and "imaginative pieces" for everything except Mod B which was...
i dont define a fabulous film as winning cannes!
But the Castle....urgh!
its so simple, we laugh at the film not with it. (or so theorists believe) - i have studied it tho, thus i may be bias towards hating it...
Any news about this...
the good news - Katie holmes is OUT!
the bad news - not till 2008
anyone know anything else ^^^ this is all i know
they have a name yet? is chris nolan directing?
i reckon...although this film may not be academically amazing (action films rarely are) ... visually it looks fucking awesome!!
i love the way they have filmed it in the way that u play it in the game! that is such a cool and awesome idea....i wonder if it works
i will definatly be seeing...
hahahah wat a coincidence!!!
i just started listening to phil colins recently (during my HSC coz its full chill music - most of it) and omfg! how good is he!
i love "In the air tonight" - that song is sooo 80's its not funny :D:D:D:D
but my fav. phill collins song is definatly "Another...
Anyone know this "Band" or "orchestra"?
they do a really cool song called "Pompeii" that was used for the Spiderman 1 trailer and also a song called "Nara" which was used for Unfaithful.
Anyone else heard of them?
to anyone that loves film score music (which i do) i would highly suggest...
business class and stenogram are definatly the number 1 contenders becoz they speak about most "issues"
masken doesnt speak about shit, thus i doubt it will be usefull...its my fav. story tho :)
spag 4 2 is cool...i know that one best
just a little translation help with Das Stennogramm
what does
"Wofur hat dir mein Vater eigentlich die Spikesreifen gekauft? Na Also.
what this mean? :S