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  1. scoby_2000

    your hardest exam....

    Physics for sure!
  2. scoby_2000

    things you do before the exam

    i go to sleep at 9pm (without fail) :D get up at 5:30, have breakfast.. do two hours of work of the subject (past papers, quick revision) write a 4 page summary of the subject and thats all i read coming up to the exam
  3. scoby_2000


    Nicht. Ich weiss, dass ich viel arbeite gemacht habe. Deshalb weiss ich, dass ich allein mein beste machen kann. :) Wo geht ihr fur schoomies? Und was machst du da? :P
  4. scoby_2000


    ok....die fragen sie gestoppt (ok i made that up...gestoppt that a word?) Frage: Jetzt haben wir deutsch extension? Ist Gruppendruck ein grosse problem in unsere gesellschaft? Warum oder warum nicht?
  5. scoby_2000

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    hahah!!! ye once im over physics im formatting my comp so its not a piece of shit anymore and only going to have msn, games and music :D sooo good....becoming the biggest computer buff i was such the pwnzor at cs but then i stopped :( my life hasnt been the same since u b3tt3r...
  6. scoby_2000


    haha it seems the 05's have been shafted :(
  7. scoby_2000

    Study Guides

    Extension english comes from your heart and book can teach you to use your heart... The best things in life are writing imaginatives, waffeling and houses.
  8. scoby_2000

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    Get on a plane to Western Australia and tan there for 2 weeks and then go to schoolies :D
  9. scoby_2000

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    well we are all different buddy....well observed :)
  10. scoby_2000


    doch....ich liebe es, weil man es immer sagen kann... "Du bist doof" - Doch "Ich heisse Nick" - Doch lol...its soo cool....its like contradicting aynthing but only with one word...we dont have anything like that in english so i love it!!! Wann ist dein Exams fertig? Und was machst du...
  11. scoby_2000


    ich habe das Englischabitur nicht so schlecht gefunden. Ich habe gedacht, dass ich sehr gut geschrieben hat, aber dann habe ich an BOS gekommen und gesehen, dass viele leute zehn seite geschrieben haben! Mein gott! ich habe nur 7 - 8 seite geschrieben! Am morgan habe ich mein Mathe...
  12. scoby_2000

    Bitte mir helfen!

    Hallo! ich heisse ben und morgan habe ich mein deutsch prufung! BOS ist sehr langsam fur ich habe ein idee gehabt!! bitte mir (Add) an MSN und spreche mit mir!!! mein email ist wir konnen uber alles sprechen!! bitte mit mir sprechen (ich...
  13. scoby_2000

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    Well?? what you think?
  14. scoby_2000

    Big reminder to you all...

    yea lol...this fucked my up in trials!! im soooooooo going to get it right tomoz tho :D
  15. scoby_2000

    What ARNT You To Sure About For Tomorrow?

    this was really important in the 99 and 00 paper...thought it was wierd...i had no idea wat transversals were...but i know the better now :D
  16. scoby_2000

    Are you ready for tomorrow?

    ....well.....step up....are you?
  17. scoby_2000

    Whats a Good Raw Mark in 4 unit?

    haha i dont do 4u but was just told to check out this arguement by a friend u bench ure body weight 5 times? lol this is funny hehe soz...ill let you get back to the important 4u stuff
  18. scoby_2000

    Beginners German sucha noob1 just reading over my extension stories i swear i cud dictate them word for word "Heinz war bald vierzehn.....TOLL!"
  19. scoby_2000

    Should paper 2 be 3 hours?

    good call *reps*
  20. scoby_2000

    That song...

    does anyone know the song used for the currently playing virgin "You time" add? its a piano piece im guessing by some classical bloke anyone got any clue! thx!