omg....we had this assesment
and i got 35% for trial so i was like....going to cain asssesment
and i got 80% yayayaya~! it was like 4th highest in my class
im normally 2nd bottom!!! it felt sooo good :D
just thought id tell the world
how everyone else go in there last assesment (if...
gay....i dont think mine is good enough :(
but it wud b soo cool to be on that in the list
there were heaps from 04, but no so from 03... 05 will probs be huge so hav 2 be better :( gay...
I do RFTG and for the trial i did this idea:
Annie Proulx (author of shipping news) writing a diary entry about the problems she is having writing her book. she has recently read some heaney poetry and is well informed with Naomi Klein's No Logo. She talks about how she needs to integrate...