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  1. scoby_2000

    Time wasting

    i share this opinion :D
  2. scoby_2000

    big brother

    i agree with ure first point.....2nd..........hmmmm
  3. scoby_2000


    it was only the trial....weve been preety much even throughout the rest tho but i suppose that still places me on top kinda (wishful thinking :D) how everyone else go?
  4. scoby_2000


    hahah i topped the german ext. trial and im the only non-german out of the 3 :DD:D:D omg i was sooo shocked!!! hoorraaaaa!
  5. scoby_2000

    Wie war es?

    wasnt in "unimaginable" ? :D
  6. scoby_2000

    The Official BOS 'Hoorah I'm Done!' Thread 2005

    i only stapled mine and took full precision in doing it and making it look nice then when i walked into the viva voce the teacher asked me where my reflect. statement was and ripped it off!!!!!!!!1111oneoneone ARRRRRRRGGHHHHHHH!
  7. scoby_2000

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    Heres mine.... any comments?
  8. scoby_2000

    Red Eye

    go seems we are the only males that are going to go :D something makes me think the ladies just want cillian....might be from all posts about this film :D
  9. scoby_2000

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    ....hopefully you have written something of literature...
  10. scoby_2000

    What font is your MW and RS?

    pffft.....wateva i did courier new for my screenplay (coz they always are....) and times for rs
  11. scoby_2000

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    i believe it is important for me to submit my work as i have made a screenplay and there are not enough examples of screenplays on this website...this is why i will submit mine reading past EE2 is such a priceless method of research...probably the best if people plagerise then that is...
  12. scoby_2000

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    dude wtf... i dont get this attitude, coz u have done ure work now...there is no harm that cud come to u if they copied ure work...its already been handed it.... the only thing that could come out is people that find ideas from you. so what if its stealing? a famous person once said...
  13. scoby_2000

    The Official BOS 'Hoorah I'm Done!' Thread 2005

    yey!!! all done! did viva today....was awesome hoooooraaaaaaaaaaa
  14. scoby_2000

    Word-limit and markers

    i dont think i really have a word limit...i was told 20 mins for my screenplay and its about 2300 - or 23 pages no one has said anything so i suppose its ok :D
  15. scoby_2000

    Wie war es?

    sent into a room for 10 mins and have to prepare two monologues each 2 mins approx. you can only write in a small box and no sentences these questions are: Q1. Pressures on the individual (e.g. In todays society it is hard to be an individual) Q2. Divisions in society (e.g Unemployment...
  16. scoby_2000

    Teachers Abilities...

    i am totally guilty of doing this in german but i dont care coz i dun like the people i destract...well one of them anyway :D lol im evil
  17. scoby_2000

    Anyone not finished yet?

    ...........watev! its kinda scary if ure still not finished i just finished my first draft of my times
  18. scoby_2000

    Wie war es?

    yea she did say that the questions wudnt b what we wud expect but umm...dont they like HAVE to ask us ones from the hsc syllabus or something??? i was expecting something about money and career VS family or something still i reckon it was kinda ok
  19. scoby_2000

    Jude Law

    i definatly agree hes so smooth and james bond shud be....and hes more english than pierce brosnan will ever be!
  20. scoby_2000

    Unleashed (jet li)

    ill definatly check this film out jet li = preety cool and muse is on the soundtrack :D:D:D:D