Its strange... I finished in 05 and some of the people I thought were close friends as such have drifted away while other people who were no more then acquaintances have actually grown closer as such even though we now go to unis in different cities etc..
eg this year one of my good mates...
Debnam is a idiot in my opinion and as crummy a job as Labor has done the Opposition doesnt exactly inspire confidence either! Both Iemma and Debnam are fools in my opinion but Debnam especially rubs me the wrong way just seems to me that he has no clue at all!
Re: 2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Beazley?
Ill be voting Labor in the senate and Independent in the House of Reps- our local member who is Independent is an absolute champ and has done 10x more for our electorate then any member of any party has ever done.
1 Passenger Idea has some merit but will affect the Designated driver idea which is the biggest drawback. Only way to improve the situation really is to make P Platers safer by training them properly.
Having 50 hours in the car with your parents or going to a driving instructor who teaches you...
Yeh you still need to have earnt the money unless you can prove its unreasonable to live at home.... well that was what it is in my case. I live away from home at uni in canberra and pay my own rent etc but cause i havent earnt the money im still dependent on my parents hahaha the system really...
St George have a Visa Debit and you can get it on a normal student savings account as such so no account fees. Seem to be alright to deal with I find havent had too many problems.
I will try to shed some light on it. ANU I think overall has a reputation as being a 'hard' marking uni as such- especially in Law where according to my flatmate HD's are practically impossible to get. But overall I think if you are willing to put the work in Distinctions are quite achievable. I...
I would say Little Master you will get in even without the bonus points as a lot of the marks have been lowered by ANU so even though it might report as being 89 to get in in the UAC guide (I assume thats where it was) I expect you will probably have no problems getting in.
I have heard that...
You may even manage to get into Actuarial without needing the bonus marks.... its UAI cutoff has fluctuated quite a bit recently and could go down a bit further depending on demand... so you UAI could be good enough in the first place. But on what youve posted I expect you will get bonus marks...
My mistake... i failed to realise CTP was included in the rego cost in the ACT. loquasagacious i must agree there are some cars in very poor condition down here in the ACT
Grrr just thinking about the idiots on the bike paths make me wanna punch someone.... and that guy is exactly right. But the driving I cant believe how bad some of the drivers are.... the best one ive seen so far is a middle aged man and his wife drive on the wrong side of the road in Dickson...
was not too bad... thats not to say I wont go crap on it but I was going in there this morning with the thought oh s**t but yeh came out thinking yeh not bad. Hoping to get about 60-65 out of 84 Id be very happy with that!
Um yeh Im not looking forward to 3u- first 7 questions no problems q8 stuffed 1 bit up which I look at now and go damn that was really quite easy and then 9 and 10 well I got bits and pieces of them out!- hoping for a raw mark of about 100 I guess but meh Im not looking forward to Thursday!
how damn annoying would it be sitting in the vicinity of someone using an abacus. I have one of those fandangled AU models, not bad at all- actually not much different then any others but it has more letters on it so you can write more words- which I sure is going to be a big help tomorrow!
I must say my copy of Birthday letters did burn particulary well- havent got round to burning the english notes yet- probably do that tomorrow. But yes it is the subject I least like and thus its notes are the ones going.
Oh the pics look s**t as they load- look alright when they load...
I did it as an essay but with a few interjected comments towards the person- like you may say this about this, but I think this this this! But meh was a strange question to say the least.