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  1. mcs

    Module B The tragedy of King Lear

    Yeh I thought it wasnt too bad- but damn hard to write all that in a 40 minute essay like critically analyse it as well as look at context- it was the worst of the questions I thought!! NO MORE ENGLISH!!! Wohoo!
  2. mcs

    speculating on birthday letters

    They better not!- I think the syllabus just says you need to know about the set poems so I guess you could be asked about specific texts- If so I could very well be stuffed completely but yeh I dont think I really care much anymore!
  3. mcs

    I reckon one module will be a conversation...

    I reckon if they are going to have a conversation itll be for module II- I reckon there might be a feature article- just guessing though but I have a feeling there will be one!
  4. mcs

    How many exams do YOU have?

    damn 8 grr why did i choose to do 12 units!
  5. mcs

    Australia's qualification to the World Cup (Analysis)

    I think its going to be a damn tough assignment- we just got to get a draw over there I think or at very worse a loss by 1 goal but with us getting an away goal. But yeh, will be tough going. Dont really think Kewell should play hes played not much at all and well would be a risk to take in in...
  6. mcs

    hotmail sign out process

    I have the same thing happen- I sign out and it goes straight to its really dodge! But meh, its not really a problem doesnt really affect anything but its annoying to say the least.
  7. mcs

    Last Man Standing

    I read somewhere, would of been in the Telegraph TV guide bit I guess its got 3 episodes left. I dont mind it, quite funny at times and a good bit of aussie drama. Pity they are culling it, there is far worse on tv then it.
  8. mcs

    The Official Cricket Thread 2006/2007

    I would of picked Kumar- more on the fact he has kept to Murali rather then any difference between Boucher and Kumar's batting. Should be an enthralling match- hopefully will see the World XI play a lot better though.
  9. mcs

    Michael Buble concert

    I wish I could of went- i do enjoy his style very much- saying that he does need to write some of his own songs I reckon- but yeh he does some pretty mean cover versions of some of the classics!
  10. mcs

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    its funny reading this as its suprising just what we go to when we are bored. I remember the old shows, but that Go Go Stop oh my goodness that show is just pure crap! The host is dumb, the contestants are dumb and well the questions are pathetic. Its sad what the kids of today have to watch on...
  11. mcs

    Wats a technocrat?

    Speer imo can not be called a technocrat- his book is a load of trash when you read through some of the Wolters chronicles stuff- shows he knew a lot more then he said he did! And then in Sereeny (I think thats how you spell it) books there is a picture of Speer at a Concentration Camp!!! No as...
  12. mcs

    A little flirting help plz!

    Hey Borkis4, Good luck mate! Ive been in similar positions, and well usually for me I manage to f**k it up, but thats just me I think! As for the idea of having heaps of mates and being too nice, I know exactly how you feel mate!!! Whether nice is the word for it in my case Im not sure, but...
  13. mcs

    some MC q's

    That 2nd question is a nasty one- a damn poorly worded question that is for sure. For I think if the spacecraft is decelerating on the way down then the force going against the force downwards due to the gravity would have to be pretty large- so thus without much real decent reasoning I would...
  14. mcs

    Who else finds the countdown on the frontpage irritating?

    It just sh**ts me cause every time I see it I realise I should be spending less time doing stuff other then studying!
  15. mcs

    A little flirting help plz!

    Im not sure whether paying them out is the right way to go about it- to do that you need to be a shrewd judge of character or else you can very easily get burnt- saying that it is always fun though!!
  16. mcs

    Super Cheap Auto 1000 - Bathurst

    Was another great race- went to it as I do most years and it was insane. good to see the fords choke again... seems to happen most years. But yeh was a good race- damn they as bowman said really put their foot down across the top of the mount- for those unfortunate enough to have never driven...
  17. mcs

    2005 history extension project showcase

    My project is attached- I was fairly happy with it 38/40 all up mainly a load of s**t but meh. On rudolf hess and his flight etc.
  18. mcs

    Actuarial Studies

    Can anyone confirm that is the case with Ext 1 maths ie the band is not a prerequisite cause on their Website and in the UAC guide it has it as an E3 Band required- just want to know cause Id like to do Acturial but I know my maths mark is going to be right on the brink- maybe if I didnt bomb...
  19. mcs

    History ext hardest cource?

    I dont think Ext History is that hard- as one fo the earlier posters said it is all about constructing an effective argument and showing what you know. I quite enjoy it, but I enjoy Modern much more cause there is a bit more 'guts' to it.
  20. mcs

    due dates

    You poor people it is not due till the 1st week of September at my school :)