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  1. Sickle

    6 Days!!!!

    God, don't remind me!
  2. Sickle

    Uniform or not?

    We do... they even told us that if we dont wear uniform they wont let us do our exam...
  3. Sickle

    How many Weet-Bix do you do?

    lol of course it does! Studying that is...
  4. Sickle

    How many Weet-Bix do you do?

    3 weet-bix and i just piss off to the library from atout 9-10 till 4-5 with about an hours break....
  5. Sickle

    Fav. Teacher sayings?

    Lol tell me about it... :rolleyes:
  6. Sickle

    Class Sizes

    We've got about 4 or 5 classes doing gen maths... cuz we're a bunch of sstoopid hicks... well most of us are...
  7. Sickle

    How do you Study?

    I just do heaps of questions, go over the chapter reviews in my text book, past papers, etc...
  8. Sickle

    RAW related texts

    We did umm what was it... "Shawshank Redemption" and a couple or news articles about the war in Iraq and Abhu Graihb.
  9. Sickle

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    lol I just waffle, throw in any terms I can think of... all I have to do to waffle successfully is to throw in a couple of artworks here and there in my responses.... So yeah, know the frames, terms and artists/artworks and periods and you're pretty much set... I hate art theory....
  10. Sickle

    when do we get our pips back?

    Lol my class has been planning that moment since the beginning of the year... hehheh
  11. Sickle

    Ancient Trial Results

    Well let's just say that in the teachers comment section there was the wordd "dissapointed" in it... and not in the "Sarah did very well and don't be dissapointed..." way...
  12. Sickle

    Assess how the delian leauge transformed into the athenian empire

    Fark man, this is probably the section that really let me down... but in class we only spent about 3 weeks on it :S I know pretty much nothing on it... I see lost of studying for this before the exam... eurgh... Though I remember that when they made the pact they threw a lump of lead into...
  13. Sickle

    I cried and cried

    I dunno, maybe I'm cold hearted ( so I have been told), because I'm not upset. I'm not upset at all. Yeah I'm gonna miss my friends and stuff but I can always call them and meet up. I didn't cry at the grad. either, but that was probably helped by the fact I was sitting next to two guys I...
  14. Sickle

    Fav. Teacher sayings?

    Art Teacher: "You're LATE LATE LATE LATE LATE!!" History Teacher: "Now when you're in Redfern and you get attacked, run into the middle of the road. Scream, shout, jump around... draw attention to your self. Or become a dead weight."...
  15. Sickle

    ummmm, ahhhh....

    Just do it, and in my own opinion, don't beat around the bush. I hate it when guys do that. Just ask her.
  16. Sickle

    The First Kiss

    Lol that's pretty much how my friend explained kissing to someone... "It's like kissing a slug... only not..."
  17. Sickle

    The First Kiss

    My first kiss was when I was totally plastered... All I can remember was that one minute was lying on the grass infront of someones house minding my own business then there was something slimey in my mouth. Then I said "What the f*** was that?" then the guy said he kissed me..... I also...
  18. Sickle

    what was ur major work under?

    Painting. :rolleyes:
  19. Sickle

    What is your favorite Ancient Culture??

    Anything that hasn't got to do with Greece or Egypt, that's pretty much all that I have done in class for both the Preliminary and HSC course. If only we did the Middle East or something.... argh...
  20. Sickle

    What Did You Get Out Of Your PIP?

    I gained the knowledge that deep down, I really hate Society and Culture and that I lost alot of valuable time on the damn PIP....