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  1. Sickle

    just friends

    Yes it is. Although there can be confusion from observing parties.
  2. Sickle

    big day out

    It's looking pretty good, in my own opinion, but I reckon that last year's was waaaaay better. I wish Muse would be there but that's highly unlikely since they're touring America at the mo.... I can't believe I missed them :(:(:(
  3. Sickle

    Who's going to Homebake2004?

    I wanna go but none of my friends wanna come.... damn them all to hell!!!!
  4. Sickle

    P.I.P topic for 2005, help!! im stuck!!

    I would skip most of your ones except the "Combie = Hippie" one, that's pretty original, but I'm not quite sure. The other's would have been done to death!! What I did was avoid all the ones that first came to mind and waited till I saw/thought of something that was really different and that...
  5. Sickle

    How big is your introduction?

    I'd say about a paragraph of 10 or less lines.... just introduce the texts that you're using and who wrote/directed/drew them.
  6. Sickle

    how many poems do u need 2 do?

    I think it's more about quality and not quantity. You could do 3/4 poems and do a dodgy job, or you could do 2 poems and really know them and get better marks for it.
  7. Sickle

    2004 HSC Statistics

    So much paper gone to waste...
  8. Sickle

    English ruins the HSC experience

    I think English is fine compared to having to memorise so much crap for Ancient History... and that I'm also failing (really badly) Society and Culture (<--DDIIIEEEE!!!)
  9. Sickle

    Parents Going Mental!!!

    Now that is why I never tell my parents anything about school/exam/HSC procedures or anything to do with it actually... Lol in year 10 I only told my mum that the school certificate was on Monday, that was the Friday before hand. She wasnt too happy about it. This time I only mentioned dates...
  10. Sickle

    Poll: Would you drop english if you could?

    If I couldn't find other classes I would rather do then I wouldn't drop English. But if there was something that I preffered more than English would be dropped in a flash!
  11. Sickle

    are we allowed to use abbreviations in the hsc?

    I wouldn't if I were you. I did that in one of my essays for "Shoe-Horn Sonata"... which would be "SHS", and the cow put big, bold, bright, red X's through every single one of them... pissed me off soo bad because other's in advanced did it and got away with it. *shakes fist* And I made sure...
  12. Sickle

    What Pen?

    A good pen that actually works... most likley a Bic... and blue...
  13. Sickle

    What is society and culture bout

    I think in my class I contributed to the "lack of intelligence" group... though it's switched around in Ancient History.
  14. Sickle

    What bands?

    Aiming for a band five because I know that with some of my past assessment marks there's no way in hell I can get a Band 6.
  15. Sickle

    study guides (excel etc)

    I find that only the Excel "Revise in a month" books are good and the specific module books for English. Otherwise I'd go for Maquarie.
  16. Sickle


    You do art Pookie? You surprised me, I see you as more of a drama/music/performer type of person.
  17. Sickle


    I think you find out like in December or something, and I think that they send a letter to you as well. I'm not sure.
  18. Sickle

    Quoting or Paraphrasing?

    If I was told correctly, slipping in quotes is more prefferable with the markers. Even more so if you use them to back up a point you have just made (obviously). Such a pain though, having to remember quotes, historians, sources and all that crap. Stoopid specifics.
  19. Sickle

    What is society and culture bout

    IMHO drop it as soon as you can... it was fine in year 11 (at my school anyway) but then come year 12... it was like medevil torture... only in a class room and without the physical pain... so really it wasn't so medievil.... but once again... get out while you still can... Not to scare...
  20. Sickle

    A discipline poll

    I planned to be studying about 6 hrs a day.... but instead I've been fucking around doing absolutley nothing... except a few easy maths questions here and there.