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  1. Sickle

    Shut up freaks!

    I know a girl who comes the top of the year in four subjects out of five, and she complains that she's stupid, her marks arn't good enough, she's hopeless, etc, etc. I wanna give her a good kick in the hea..... butt. Oh and she knows that she's the top student in most of her subects, yet she...
  2. Sickle

    Has any one had depression talks?

    If you don't have a mentor program at your school you could try going to talk to a teacher that you feel comfortable with any way. I know that it would probably kinda awkard or something, but it can't hurt to try. Or maybe you should suggest it to you're year advisor that way other ppl can get...
  3. Sickle

    Has any one had depression talks?

    Yeah one of the most common symptoms is not wanting to get out of bed, being lazy, nothing makes you excited anymore, etc. Most people are like that now becuase it seems like the end of the world that we know is coming too close for comfort... if that makes any sense. Lol, my friends and I...
  4. Sickle


    My school has this "mentor" thing going on, this is just for year 12 though. You choose a teacher who you can talk to easily and they help you with any problems you may have, they help you out with study time tables and situations and are just there if you need some one to talk to. I don't...
  5. Sickle

    Has any one had depression talks?

    My school forced year 12 aka my year to go to a depression talk the other week. Some people, presumably counsellors (at least I hope they were, don't want to go taking adivce from people who arn't experts in it...) came to my school and showed us videos of a depressed guy who had a leaf.... I'm...
  6. Sickle

    reminiscing abt yr 7

    I noticed that as well, I asked my SaC teacher about it and he said that every year 12 class he's had asked the same question "The year 7's seem to get worse every year, or is it just us?". Apparently it's just us, because there's always some little group of "tough" year 7's who give flak to...
  7. Sickle

    Eye problems

    My eyesight has really deteriorated (sp?) over the past two years. I had to get new glasses a few months ago and they're like twice as strong as my first pair. I really hate them. Apparently it's partly hereditary (thanks mum) and partly because I strained my eye's too much with my old glasses...
  8. Sickle

    your opinion on tutoring...

    Tutoring can get expensive, but my parents are willing to pay for it and anything school related, it's helped me so much with math, I just can't get my head around the stuff. My tutor is deffinitly a miracle worker and she deffinitly earns her money.
  9. Sickle

    dont bitch.dont whine.just think

    I havn't heard people whine about others who cram and get higher marks when the other studies their ass off... although what I have been hearing is (which really get's my blood boiling) is the people who come the top of the class/ year in what ever stubject it may be, and they're complaining...
  10. Sickle

    its school = james ruse, worst = Joeys and NSGH as voted by you!

    I'll tell you what I don't understand. I just don't get the competition. I take it most of us are in the same boat, trying to get a good HSC mark for what ever reason and there's all this flaming and arguing. What's the point? Who cares about a schools ranking? as long as you do your best (as...
  11. Sickle

    Why try when you're nothing special

    Depressing but very true. Maybe you should try to think about other stuff for a while....
  12. Sickle

    Exams!! 1/2 yrlys

    everyone seems to have started they're half yearly's so early. Or maybe my school just started them really late. The first exams were on today and the last exams are on Thursday.
  13. Sickle

    Popular Culture

    We did teen movies... it was fun we got to watch bend it like beckham, not another teen moive, zoolander and some strange movies based in the 60's.
  14. Sickle

    Maths Teacher

    My teacher's a loser. He spends all period on one question... and then expects us to finish a chapter of work in about one night, then he has a go at all of us for not being up to date. He came up to me and my friend once and asked us what he could do to fix things. We told not to be so slow. He...
  15. Sickle

    Your parents view on HSC

    I think I'll please my parents for once... I always did so bad, but this year I'm actually doing work. My parents think the HSC is the whole world... probably becuase my bro just got into Uni, they think I won't make it. Oh well, I just tell them not to talk about it with me.
  16. Sickle

    reminiscing abt yr 7

    I remember yr 7. I think I pretty much made every mistake you could make (socially) that year.... oh well at least I've learned from it.... Lol I was such a dork! Heheheh.
  17. Sickle

    can the school do that??!??!??!

    Mine goes for a week but also over a week end so I guess it's all right... they seem to do that every year. I'm not complaining, at least they're over and done with.
  18. Sickle

    How Many Ppl In Yur Yr 12?

    Well at the moment we have about 98 ppl. but there's still people leaving....
  19. Sickle

    School Formal

    We don't really have a comittee for our formal cuz where we're going is organizing it all... we just pick colours I think. We're going to Waters Edge in Sydney Harbour. I can't wait!
  20. Sickle

    Half yearlies...

    My SaC exam is on Wednesday...... before my English one. Dammit, it seems all like gibberish to me.... how I'm gonna pass I don't know.