i as well....1 of 3 and the others are germans
the only real "advantage" i have is that i was in berlin for 5 weeks
however it has come to my understanding that having gone on exchange is nothing to be proud of as the majority of students seem to of gone (well...at this thing at the Goethe...
this has most likely been posted already....
but just in case
from that it looks almost certain EVERYONE will have to resit :(
THERE WAS A Q10?>!!?
....lol....thats my wit gone for the day
did anyone else NOT have to do probablity, rates and growth?
our school hasnt done that yet (or is that a state wide thing?)
coz in alot fo the past papers there was stuff about prob and r&g
i do 2u...i found the paper quite hard
for the first time i came out and wasnt bombarded by people saying "omfg that was so easy" the general jist was quite unimpressed so in comparision i think i was about the same
i think i got somewhere between 55-70%
i cud of done with bout 10 mins...
nah i didnt mean to be like that
at first i thought that using a lappy was just like another option
like i thought anyone cud do it
but nooooooooooo
i dont care that i cant use it....i care that others can! (who are just as able as me!)
i asked my director of studies if i cud use a laptop for english coz i know if i had i wud of been able to finish the past 3 assesments...
i thought it wud b easy to do....fill out a form..."ok here it is...now just write u have 2 hours"
but instead i hav to fill out a like 8 page thing...
wat the hell....how are keane like coldplay??
i find keane to be much more harder with songs like "Bedshaped" and stuff...thats way to hard and rough for coldplay
i find keane more like Queen with their lack of formal structure in their music
i think they fuckn rock
ive been...
ive finished my work (i think)
but i havnt even started my reflection statement
im still a bit hazy as to what to put in....
how long after AUG 22nd do u do the viva?
that is an interesting Q....i wonder what it will b called....hmmm
i think draco will turn good coz then theres like a moral behind the tale kinda thing...
writers like jk rowling arnt brave enough to say stuff like that...
it wud b like if frodo had kept the ring and had made the world...