I totally agree...i think oral sex is the BEST thing every...part from sex that is. If you love him/her then it just feels like a natural thing to do. And i dont know y people who have never tried it act like they know how it feels like and go "thats sooo gross"...talk about being stuck in a 1940's narrow minded context." Anywayz i think you should try all sorts of things to spice up your sex life..not just be stuck in the same old boring sex every single time.
When's the best time would you recommend? During a football game or right after? Or after El Nino? Or after or before sex??
After would you jkiss the guy after you've done it?
And another question???? Where does everyone get the desire to suck a dick? I mean the guy PEES out urine from there and why do people get the nerve for anal too?? HELLO??? EXCRETION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!