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  1. Sickle

    Water Fight!!!!

    lol Our school doesn't have muck up day... they a "special day" instead...
  2. Sickle

    when do we get our pips back?

    Well considering about 3300 ppl do S&c this year I'll be surprised if I don't get one :) .... heheh... heh... hmmmmm ... yeah i won't get one... :( oh well, i don't like society anyway.
  3. Sickle

    How were your trials results???

    They were ok.... I came 8th in the year for the English exams, (the combined marks) which is wonderful compared to my usual 20-something-th rank of around 62 students.
  4. Sickle

    Interracial relationships

    Definitly not. I am the result of an Asian and Caucasian couple, who have been happily married for 22 years. As some one said, love is love not matter what colour you are.
  5. Sickle

    Top Places To Pull A Pick Up

    Anytype of guy is fine with me, though I mainly go for Aussie guys. Just as long as they have good teeth, are taller than me, don't spit in my face when they seak to me and have a little respect for the female kind and don't listen to pop music of any kind, then yer that's great! I can't...
  6. Sickle

    superficial things turining you off a relationship

    Well they gotta have nice teeth, that's probably the most important thing to me. Umm, no stutter.... I went out with a guy with a stutter once, he kept spitting in my face, not fun. At least he was hot. Height, has to be taller than me, which isn't that hard cause I'm kinda short.... and that's...
  7. Sickle

    student teacher relationships

    I myself would never go for a teacher, eurgh! But if a student is in year 12 and it was them pursuing (sp?) the teacher and not the other way around thats ok, but I find it quite yucky... I guess because I never had a teacher that I thought would be do-able...
  8. Sickle

    UWS open day

    It took me about 2 and a half hours to get there because of the track work, dammit. It was good though, we got lost a few times but managed to find our way. Yeah I got all the info I wanted, one down and many to go...
  9. Sickle

    Casual Clothes Day Restrictions

    At my school you can't wear anything like a singlet top if you're a girl or anything that will "distract" the teachers or semi-see through.... so teachers can't see your bra... for the guys, you have to wear clothes... obviously...
  10. Sickle

    Procrastination Issues.....

    Procrastination? Well that's my middle name! Kind of... yeah I do all my huge assessments like in a few hours stretched over two days. I've done it so much it's become an art basically. :: sighs:: middle of my trials and instead of studying I'm here, oh well, I have two hours of tutoring right...
  11. Sickle


    I'm stuck at home dammit! :vcross: I should have gotten a job in Jan. or something then I could have paid to go up the coast or on a cruise or something with my friends, my parents, since they would have been footing the bills, won't let me go anywhere... 'cause it's too "dangerous". I need to...
  12. Sickle

    do u think class of 2004 is crap (relatively)

    Most teachers said that this was one of those years where the most common comment on reports is the "could do better/must try harder" type comments.Which pretty much means we're bludgers... which is true... maybe it's something in the water....?
  13. Sickle

    Open Days

    Me an my friends are going to the UWS one on the 22nd, then Sydney, UNSW and then Maquarie. Sounds like most of you have an idea of what ur gonna do when you get there... most likely I'll get lost and whilst being lost grab as many freebies as I can and gloat at my friends when I finally find...
  14. Sickle

    PIP progress

    how did u get the job in england?
  15. Sickle

    PIP progress

    Not happy jan.... My first and second draft was good. Kept pretty much all the stuff in the 3rd draft. Went into school the other day to get it checked over.... my teacher pretty much ripped it apart. Now I have to fix it in less then a week, and I have to find all this stupid stuff which I...
  16. Sickle

    is n e 1 going to Syd Uni Ancient History Study Day on 25th June???

    In each session I got so bored that I started to etch stuff into the desk-table-thingy lol I hope it wasn't to loud because my friend sitting next to me got really annoyed about heheheh
  17. Sickle

    is n e 1 going to Syd Uni Ancient History Study Day on 25th June???

    God tell me about it! Lol I thought it was funny how some ppl left right in the middle of it. Thank god it didnt go till three.... I would have attempted suicide... ugh. To tell the truth I thought the whole day was a bore. $25 for a day of boredom... if I wanted boredom I wouldn't have to pay...
  18. Sickle

    Soiety and Culture day in sydney

    i didn't bother listening to the lady in exam timing or what ever it was. I listened to my MP3 player... heheh. I thought it was amusing how in equality and diff. the knox boys kept leaving to go to he toilet or something.... and they kept getting told off..... I'm sooooooo glad my teacher...
  19. Sickle

    Soiety and Culture day in sydney

    I agree, they were both really good but I had no idea what the redhead was singing....
  20. Sickle

    Soiety and Culture day in sydney

    at least you got something out of it... lol in the last talk (equality and difference) me and my friend must have made so much noise... we became so