iambored said:
I am wondering, what superficialities would turn you off a relationship with someone?]
Different religion
Not really....well my bfs family is christian but me n him aint so yeah....but i think maybe if he was completely fanatical christian then i'd be like....bit cold about it, nonetheless, love is love, generally it could work out, but it would be harder than same religion/non religion relationships.
Different nationality
already is hahaha. no problems here
Differences in sexual wants
sorry, virgin! lol...but if my partner pressured me before marriage, i'd say hell no, so pressuring sexual things is a turn off..if he wanted to break up then i'd say it's his loss cos if a guy loves u i believe he should wait 4 you! sexual wants after....well that's my business
Drinking / drugs / smoking
drinkin i dont mind. drugs = no way. smoking = can't stand it, bad 4 health.
Piercings (girls ears not included!) / tattoos
i wouldnt mind a few tatoos...as long as it's a few.....piercings...well i find it ok on my friends....preferably my partner wouldnt have any - which he doesnt.
Education, including uni / tafe / leave before senior years
well...i'm sort of..i duno.. on this....i think love can happen, but people need to have similar viewpoints n support themselves to be able to agree on things - equity is important here...i'm at uni, so my parnter preferably would be from uni... and is...
Financial status-can look after himself and would be able to raise family.
normal: turn off: stick or too chunky.
Generally not good looking enough / too good looking, including bad skin and good / bad dress sense
um... a bad looking person 2 u may look good to somebody else, so yeh...i dont care much bout looks, if his eyes influence me that's it - that's all my bf had to do...o yea..i dont like metro/hetro/wateva its called sexuals! a guy is a guy and a girl is a girl, if nature wanted them otherwise they wouldve been created otherwise..ppl should look natural.....if a girl or guy spends 10 hrs in mirror, puts makeup on everday, turn off.
dress- whatever he wants, as long as he dresses appropriately near my parents...
Have too many friends of opposite sex
yep...turn off..hahaha...ofcourse anybody can have guy/girl normal friends, as long as he sees them as a sister instead of a 'ooo she's damn hot' then i don't care...if i was single n the guy that liked me had many friends that r girls...i dun care BUT if they were all touchy touchy n hugging eachother n crap, hell no, hail strictness...my guy touches me and relatives only
Dating history
yeah..if he's had heaps of girlfriends i wouldnt date him. ^^ if i give my view from when i was single - preferably NO gf's before...can tolerate up to 2 that's y i said no to some ppl who asked me on dates, cos i knew where it would lead in the future, they had like a change of girlfriend each change of the season.....all that i think i'm tupac ppl, hell no. my partner: his first girlfriend + fiance + my first.
other turn off stuff: inconsiderate to older ppl n even younger kids, swears - volountarily - in front of me, obsessed with appearance, obsessed with religion...=P...violent..obsessed with sex...hahaha i don't mean doing it, i mean talkin about it with the whole planet..hell no..o yea....n those guys who just leave girls when they are sick or somethin, how roud!

well...there ya go....^^ :wave: