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  1. HinikuTheNinja

    Congratulations Art Express Nominees!

    Hahaha yeah, that Ritchie, she's a crack up. XD EEEEEE I just found out three girls from my school have been nominated (which means they were marked today *dances*) HURRAY!
  2. HinikuTheNinja

    Congratulations Art Express Nominees!

    From an email sent to a little bird / girl whose dad is a marker/past marker/whatever: About Art Express... not all the artworks have been marked yet - ours for example. On the day, if an artwork has been nominated the markers hand the principal a piece of over-rated paper that basically says...
  3. HinikuTheNinja

    Congratulations Art Express Nominees!

    Dawww Ninja <3s Llama back! Whoo! Sexy! ^_~
  4. HinikuTheNinja

    Congratulations Art Express Nominees!

    Hey, congrats to everyone who got nominated! LLAMA FOR ARTEXPRESS '07!!! ...or 06.. one of them...
  5. HinikuTheNinja

    Individual and Society

    I loved the creative question, though I was upset I didn't get to talk about my freak circus *sad face* I did, however, get to use the word 'bastard' repeatedly. Only because one of the characters was an illegit child. Woot! The essay question really annoyed me though. So Ijust wrote my essay...
  6. HinikuTheNinja

    How Many Pages Did You Write?

    And here I was, proud of my 12 paged story and 13 paged essay. *sob*
  7. HinikuTheNinja

    Art Express 2007

    Hey, congrats Cruel Sea. ^^
  8. HinikuTheNinja

    Batting before exams? Yay or Nay?

    ZOMG! CREEP LIKE A NINJA DAY! SOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN PIRATE DAY! /capslock Eek. You found me on myspace too? Jeez. I'm really too easy to stalk.
  9. HinikuTheNinja

    Batting before exams? Yay or Nay?

    *blushes and hides* Yarrrr llama. Mig ain't all that attractive. =P Just uber horny!
  10. HinikuTheNinja

    HSC suicides and depression

    Oh dear. I just got one of those 'you have no ambition, you fail at life' mini-lectures. Lovely. And I was feeling so happy today too... *goes off to sulk in a corner*
  11. HinikuTheNinja

    Batting before exams? Yay or Nay?

    HAHA awesome yay I gots another stalker! *dances* EDIT: ....zomg Nick IS stalking me! Ahh bloody hell. You boys and stalking poor innocent ninjas. *pouts*
  12. HinikuTheNinja

    HSC suicides and depression

    yal - Honestly? I wanted the - gah, I hate to say this - the pain to go away. Or the emptiness. The nothingness. Having nothing and no one and being no one and achieving nothing. I hated that, and I wanted to end it. I can't talk to my parents. My mother tends to go into hysterics (typical...
  13. HinikuTheNinja

    HSC suicides and depression

    ^ I've tried, once. I had to go to the doctor for something, and I was trying as hard as I could to talk to her about the depression part, but couldn't open my mouth to speak. I beat myself up for it afterwards. Part of the reason why I tried it that first time. Sigh. Oh well. I can only try...
  14. HinikuTheNinja

    Batting before exams? Yay or Nay?

    w00t! I get a horny stalker! *dances* YAY! fuck buddies! *dances more*
  15. HinikuTheNinja

    HSC suicides and depression

    I'm like Fallen_Angel. Except I've been pretty much in-the-dumps since year 9... at least, that's when I remember starting to see I had symptoms of depression - or bipolar disorder. It got progressively worse, and when, early in year 11, someone asked if I was cutting, I said no. Turned out I...
  16. HinikuTheNinja

    The HSC thread of Happiness

    Trip to the Philippines Christmas My 18th ...sexsexsexsexand hopefully more sex... Move to QLD... ...find me a hot surfer boy/girl.... ...more sexsexsexsex.... And I get to start sparring again too! God, I miss karate T__T stoopid HSC, preventing me from doing karate... oh.... there's a bug on...
  17. HinikuTheNinja

    Batting before exams? Yay or Nay?

    ZOMG me too Bookie. LET'S GO!!
  18. HinikuTheNinja

    Batting before exams? Yay or Nay?

    Damn, chryslerregal said it before I could. *pouts*
  19. HinikuTheNinja

    Drama Exam - thoughts/reflections.

    Yeah, the questions themselves weren't too bad... it was just my answers. I knew they sucked terribly. *sobsob* I still managed to write 12 pages for Cont. Aus ('The statement that Aussie drama ideas are DULL is not entirely true... it's a combination of interesting ideas, and great visual...
  20. HinikuTheNinja

    Physical Journeys [poll]

    Gahh. I just didn't like it. At all. I can't remmeber what my thesis was at all. Something about the new being whatever it is the journeyer discovers about themself or their world. With 'Crossing the Red Sea', 'Immigrants at Central Station', 'Journeys over Land and Sea', and 'The Island'. I was...