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  1. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    I hope for at least 82 to get into my course but applied for early entry so hope to get an offer from that then less stress for externals
  2. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    im doing keats campion but my friends doing plath hughes said its so intense and dark. my class is over here smiling and happy about a love story and beauty of nature and theyre just not 😭
  3. enchantedivory27


    15/6 Legal: Prep for assessment timed essay Friday 21/6 Write paras on R2P, Media/ngos Start memorising LCDMI Memorise intros/theses Eng Ext: Keep editing to final draft of upheaval essay hand in due Thurs 20/6 My tutor is good but his ideas for an argument are so different but we will try...
  4. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    im the same but usually 7.30 as i dont live far from school, unless i have extension so 7
  5. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    Has anyone here used Learnmate tutors before? I have a lesson tomorrow night with one we messaged a bit he seems very nice and professional but curious if anyone here has used the website
  6. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    NOOOO why??!! have to download everything immediately
  7. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    Wow that's so interesting must have been stressful last year i guess this year youre better at handling stuff
  8. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    wait just saw your subjects how did u accelerate in standard maths adv eng and modern??
  9. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    u should ask a doctor
  10. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    so true i would drop investigating too but i love legal. get what u said tho so much content
  11. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    We didn't get exam blocks just one study day off the day before the exam but most of us took another day off as an unofficial study day. eg. trials exam was a monday so the previous friday was a study day and thursday the unofficial one. so annoying but the pros of doing accelerated outweighed...
  12. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    I am also doing these texts and module its a good one lots to write about. We just started Metropolis but have done Shelley and Godot now. For related texts our teachers gave us some ideas eg. Hersey's Hiroshima, Flannagan's Question 7 (im doing these pretty sure - i think you can do up to 2...
  13. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    investigating science and industrial tech on the same day :confused: rest for me is fine mostly spread out
  14. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    i did accelerated maths so hsc last year and now doing hsc for rest of my subjects. for maths last year we finished everything before trials except like the last topic of financial so had about 6 weeks (ish) of revision. mix of past papers, revision activities our teacher made up, etc
  15. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    exactly the holidays are never long enough
  16. enchantedivory27

    should i become a lawyer?

    agree with this, "nivb" you should go for it you sound very dedicated and ambitious. im also not sure if i actually want to practice law either im in year 12 now, but do love the demand and hard work needed for it i like being challenged academically its rewarding so i do want a job that does...
  17. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    yeah just annotating may be easier online cos u can make fonts bigger and use a stylus and make it pretty. i did it on paper and our teacher printed a lot in 3 pages so was hard to annotate being such small text. our texts are Atwoods speech, Brooks speech and Harwoods imaginative.
  18. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    oh well never killed anyone best of luck, we can do this : )
  19. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    how are people going with major projects? i do industrial tech multimedia, good so far about 30% done but just know how much work to do next term :// anyway how are others feeling for any subject not just MM
  20. enchantedivory27

    2024 HSC Chat

    just google hazard perception test they're all pretty accurate some of these other people's links are prob good. i passed first time but was so stressed i would tap it at the wrong time and fail, its actually not rapid lightning speed its pretty normal. so yeah just do some practices eventually...