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  1. U

    Probability question help

    if you want, you can pretend there are 100 days in this winter so percentages dont get confusing. This q is actually like just one big venn diagram. The question says- on 35 days, it is forecast to rain. It actually rains on 38 days. On 25 days, it is both forecast to rain and it actually it...
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    Differential Equations question

    u need to form an differential equation first. Let M be the amount of radioactive substance in the tank. Since water flows in and out of the tank at the same rate, the volume of the tank never changes. 5L of solution is flowing out- i.e. 5 * M/100 = 0.05M of radioactive substance. the substance...
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    this information about your internals can't rlly be used to determine ur final atar rn, but it sounds like ur doing great in both subjects! About scaling in general, legal and business aren't rlly very low scaling subjects, they're probably mid of the pack (though legal is higher up there)...
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    Return to school?

    my school is doing the same for yr7-11, but in class full time for yr12
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    Are internal marks affected by the school you go to?

    You dont get someone else's mark as 50% of yours, you get your own school, just moderated. Standardization of internals eliminates alot of different learning opportunities that are available due to the flexibility of internal assessments. Different types of tasks are appropriate to different...
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    ***The ATAR (Part 1): Unlock the Weird Inner-Workings of ATAR Calculations***

    You always get your own examination mark- however you performed in the HSC exam is the exam mark you get. However, if you rank last in the internal assessment, your internal assessment mark will be moderated to (within reason to keep the distribution the same) the lowest exam mark of your...
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    Implicit Differentiation

    i don't think its explicitly stated as 'implicit differentiation', but implicit differentiation is really just an extension of the chain rule. So i would say they could examine it. Plus its just handy.
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    Mechanics question

    using your equation in (b), integrate to find x in terms of t. then for (e) and (f) just plug in and solve
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    Should I appeal my mark?

    Be aware alot of schools don't allow you to appeal marks- in the HSC at least, its nesa policy that you can't appeal marking, only the assessment process (i.e. u didn't get enough notification). This is especially true in more subjective marking subjects. I agree with others, maybe ask for more...
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    am i doing enough for Yr 11?..

    lol thanks. i took notes in class and stuff but i didn't really make study notes or anything. Honestly i did alot of cramming before y11 exams too, but i just revised using the textbook and mostly did practice qs As I said, its not rlly being good at sciences its just learning style
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    am i doing enough for Yr 11?..

    it all depends on ur learning style- do u find notes helpful in studying? If so, making them is a good idea to help ur study. I made essentially no notes for bio or chem in yr11 and still did well, but thats because im not rlly a study notes kinda guy. I learn better by doing qs and...
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    Does God exist?

    1. The default position is agnosticism i suppose. 2. Attributing the existence of the universe to some form of 'first mover' is one position. Extending this to some sentient deity, or a religious belief, is another one entirely. I think I would be willing to accept 3. Your own personal...
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    Does God exist?

    this is a very convenient response- it is utterly unfalsifiable. This has told me nothing about why God would allow suffering to occur- he intends to get rid of it later? Under the assumption that god exists and is outside of space time, it is impossible to discern anything about god-...
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    Does God exist?

    I found this part rlly interesting- though I do think these arguments have alot of value. Regardless of god's existence, religions bring with them some form of philosophical position or moral standpoint. Surely if a religion is inconsistent or contradictory, this is of some concern. The nature...
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    Can you use induction for non induction qs?

    ye i dont see why not as long as q doesn't specifically say "prove by contradiction" or something you can use induction
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    Probability and statistics question thread

    idk alot of these qs u could answer using a combination of science and maths HSC knowledge i think.
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    Need help with textbook for 4 unit...

    Cambridge is v good in my opinion. It covers very little of planes though. Terry Lee's new textbook is the only one i've seen with a focus on planes. The only reference to planes in the syllabus is 'prove geometric results in the plane and construct proofs in 3d' and 'determine when intersecting...
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    Economics Report

    I think this is a good start to ur econ report, however these are some things you could look at - Incorporating more explanation using economic information: e.g. what types of taxation methods or welfare methods are being used to make Australia's income distribution better? - What sorts of...
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    Economics Report

    I dont think this is a very helpful comment.