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  1. U

    2020-HSC chat

    adv eng, 3u, 4u, chem, bio, econ Maybe procrastinating this hol wasnt a great idea...
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    Total HSC Exam Marks

    isn't mx1 also out of 50?
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    99.90 ATAR | Tailored Private Tutoring | 3rd in NSW state rank | Double Degree USYD Medicine | TRAVEL TO YOUR LIBRARY |

    damn bro very impressive. bump Just wondering tho, how r you doing Med at USYD with 99.90? I thought u needed 99.95.
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    Selective School year 6 test NSW

    i got like 250+, im pretty sure i finished it... but i never went to tutoring and stuff so idk about my accuracy. But i remember for OC i didnt finish loadddds of GA and i still got a good score.
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    Perms and Combs HSC question

    ah yes stupid assumption on my part :oops:
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    Perms and Combs HSC question

    Sorry in advance i dont know latex :( First we pick who will go through the manual gate, i.e 3C1=3. We then pick which of the two manual gates they will go through, i.e. 3*2 Then, we arrange the 2 others in the 3 different gates, i.e. 3! Thus the final answer is 3*2*3!=36
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    3U/4U topics in new syllabus

    I say check the NESA syllabi or a textbook for these. there's loads of 3U topics, but the 4U topics r more obvious: Complex Numbers, 3D Vectors, Proofs, Mechanics and Integration
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    Engineering: Major work or not

    Ye guys what D&T has a major work but not engineering studies.
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    Best Textbooks for Chemistry and Physics?

    I'm using a combination of Nelson and ATAR notes. I feel Pearson is very good and in depth but has alot of stuff that just isn't necessary to understand the course content. Nelson is slightly briefer, but still good explanations and examples. ATAR Notes is very concise and good for revision...