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  1. Master Gopher

    Open Source Software very nice OS music player, many skins available from - in their own words "a Web player built from Firefox's browser engine. Songbird is open source, will run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux..." I haven't DL'd it yet, but...
  2. Master Gopher

    Vote which cooling is the best for quietness and damn-cool-ness
  3. Master Gopher

    Does God exist?

    Sorry if this has been brought up before, but I think Bertrand Russel's essay regarding religion makes for interesting reading.
  4. Master Gopher

    Religion: Does It Do More Harm Than Good?

    :hammer: This is an argument a) about science and b) about the existence of God, and creationism. Please take it to its correct thread. There I will battle with you gladly.
  5. Master Gopher

    A note on originality (my own 2 cents)

    "There is nothing new under the sun! It has all been seen and done before." - Sherlock Holmes under the guise of Arthur Conan Doyle
  6. Master Gopher

    What Exactly Is Natural Selection?

    The peppered moth is a perfectly valid example! Natural selection really has nothing to do with the *type* of pressures being put on a population. It has more to do with how the population changes, i.e. that less fit individuals die out and more fit individuals survive to reproduce. The...
  7. Master Gopher


    92 overall, 97 in exam. 47% in trial. Bloody stoked. YOU CAN FAIL YOUR TRIAL AND STILL GET A BAND SIX. So very reassuring... only 11 units to go!!
  8. Master Gopher

    time management

    I did next to nothing all holidays (:() but have since been told by about 3 kids who got into Art Express that they didn't do anything either. Their secrets were diversity of media - show the markers you can do more than one thing - lots of experimenting, and showing that you have progressed and...
  9. Master Gopher

    Call for BoSWiki Help

    I will be happy to write up some articles, soon as the username bug can be solved :)
  10. Master Gopher

    Biki Bug

    I have the same problem, I think because of my username - could I get the underscore removed (but without a space)?
  11. Master Gopher

    Important - Please Read

    Dear everyone: Late Happy New Year and Back To School from The Master of all Gophers, excelling in Gopherness!
  12. Master Gopher

    which elective is best?

    I'm keen on doing either Biochem or maybe the genetics one....but I'm afraid about a third of my class will vote against biochem because they think it'll be too hard or boring. But none of the electives is a great deal harder than the others, and I want as much chem in my bio as possible! :)
  13. Master Gopher

    100 Uai

    Dude, if you got 100 you'd be in SMH, whatever your racial background, specially if you go to James Ruse. I won't be sulking in my cellar. We don't have a cellar. And my family don't give a fuck what my UAI is as long as I'm happy with it. Insulting other people's intelligence is still...
  14. Master Gopher

    100 Uai

    According to his profile he is doing 26 units including 3 distinction courses. That is a) crazy b) not backed up by any evidence anyone's found in any newspaper. I think if you did get a 100 UAI and did 26 units, we'd have heard about you, yeah? Well, he's not there. And there is nothing...
  15. Master Gopher

    The Name

    In response to word counts and lessons and such, I have a word count of zero (I have to plan to the last inch before I can start, being rather OCD) and my lesson count stands at zero. There has been one but I missed it. Our school is insane, we aren't timetabled, and there's only 2 spots a...
  16. Master Gopher

    Important - Please Read

    Dear Matt, Unfortunately, no Crime Fiction for me. It's Revenge Tragedy. Arghhh!! Pity, I would've loved some notes. I did HOD for prelim.. hence my current state of PHT (Post-HOD-Trauma) which occasionally strikes in strange outbursts MAY JOSEPH CONRAD BUNR AND DIE!!, yes. Like...
  17. Master Gopher

    SMH Article

    I'm kinda sad to see it go, too, actually - maybe it was just the nice exam, but I really enjoyed doing it and I was stoked when I was done... I'm strange and focus on odd things, but that article was written by Jordan Baker, which is the name of a character in The Great Gastby. I know, I...
  18. Master Gopher

    General Thoughts: Ancient History 2005

    I did: Personality: Julius Caesar (easy as pie) Society: Sparta (not as easy as pie. Maybe as easy as cake. I should've done more detail on the 10-marker) Historical Period: Fall of the Republic (Did the army question, about 8 pages. Was alright. Should've done more detail)...
  19. Master Gopher

    Section III, IV - Historical Periods

    I did the Augustus question - contributions and impact. About 10 pages, I had five million sources, and I feel great about it. Was going to do Pompey, which I studied masses, then decided at the last minute to do role of the army instead which I figured less people would do, I had zillions of...
  20. Master Gopher

    Section II - Ancient Societies

    Think parent was referring to the source they gave, as in it was the source for q9. If you did have to call it source 9, I think most of us are screwed. I guess if they made it clear, they can't really mark you down, it's stupid. You can't take marks of for that under "structure", that would be...