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    Jersey Name (Year12)

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    North Sydney Boys / Ruse entrance exam year 11

    maths- calculus, conics, integration, circle geometry english - all of them difficulty - uber hard (if it was easy then everyone will get 100% so no point in test)
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    Year 10 to 11 Selective Schools

    just reminding you that you can still get an amazing ATAR without getting into a selective school or tutoring, if you are truly interested and enjoy the subjects you choose nevertheless you will have an outstanding application and good luck
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    Does she really like me or is just being friendly. Advice Please?

    write a short story about 2 ppl that went through the same experience and give it to her to read
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    I like a girl and I wawnt to tell her I like her in person. IVE NEVER EVER DONE THIS

    Re: I like a girl and I wawnt to tell her I like her in person. IVE NEVER EVER DONE T YOLO.
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    I am bad at english can someone PLZ PLZ help me understand this about transfer!!

    Well gratz uve passed the minimum requirments gl competing eith 99.3s.
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    How can I stop making silly mistakes?

    do 1000 questions and for every question that you make a silly mistake do 100 more
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    Out of UMACQ law and UTS law which is more reputable/prestigious??????

    this guys is sghguos sounds exactly like him btw prestige does not matter
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    Jersey names! Have some ideas, but not sure

    Liucario Liunsane Liu Hao Ma Bliu (BLUE) Valiuable HeLIUm
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    Double Degrees question

    semester wise same workload. double degree is longer than single degree thats it
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    UNSW Law transfers- does it affect WAM?

    mate....honestly... look at urself
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    induction conclusions

    not sure if you can trust this guy...
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    Term 3 assessment 3 revision

    not sure if you're sharing this or want us to solve it for you
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    titration question- help needed

    you noob dont use C1V1=C2V2 its only good for 1:1 ratio which never happens in tests
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    hey bro

    hey bro
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    ATAR Estimate :)

    well they wouldnt say its the worst atar estimate: 97.5-98.5
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    How hard is law if you are bad at writing english essays.

    Re: b.economics usyd vs b.comm/law macquarie nop to make up for it, you have to get HD for all your subjects until you graduate. in which case it does disqualify you if you know what i mean.
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    Atar estimate

    school rank mid 20's english adv 54/120 chem 28/70 physics 41/70 math ext1 22/90 maths ext 2 15/40 ty