Search results

  1. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    I got mine at 1pm! I got Zurich which is what I said (when I actually wanted UBS). But never mind, I'm really happy that I got shortlisted at all!
  2. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    I'm pretty sure we'll most likely get an email by next Friday. I don't think Alister/Joanna work Sat/Sun so I assume we'll be getting emails throughout next week. I mean it is 'the end of the month' next week. Hmmmm.
  3. summermagic

    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    When you click for the list of majors, type in 'secondary' in the search box. Wouldn't it be better if you did though? Like put all your prizes in this box and maybe you'll have a better chance.
  4. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    I've got nothing. Damn... And I was so excited too!
  5. summermagic

    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    Oooh I worked it out. You actually choose 'Secondary Education' from the list.
  6. summermagic

    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    Yep, I typed in my highschool, but then I can't work out what to do with the 'Major' cause I can't leave it blank as when I try to click next, it won't let me saying the field is compulsory.
  7. summermagic

    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    Hey has anyone tried applying for Deloitte yet? Cause at page 2 it's asking for Education Details but for some reason they've listed all the Universities and require you to put in the major you're doing but we're obviously in year 12. Is this the right one: New South Wales 2009 Trainee...
  8. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    I thought it was a group activity rather than an interview.
  9. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    I think they would need to so we can research the company in depth and stuff. Wow, it'd be so exciting to make it to the next round!
  10. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    Thanks for the info guys! I think that i'll just keep my fingers crossed in the hope that I at least get an offer. Only 5 more days till we find out...
  11. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    The lady at reception told me yesterday was the last day of interviews. And I was told by my interviewer, Joanne that they would contact me "by the end of the month". Hmmm, hopefully they contact us by next week. I think I accidently said I wanted Zurich during my interview but my application...
  12. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    Just had my interview today! It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. The lady at reception told me that tomorrow is the last day of interviews. So how did everyone go?
  13. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    Sorry >.< I should quote next time. I was referring to this:
  14. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    ^ LOL. Way to crush the hopes of all those eager people out there yet to receive an email.
  15. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    Hmmm, should be bring a copy of our CV along as well? Cause I guess we'd be communicating that information across during the interview anyway.
  16. summermagic


    Chapman and Eastway...wierd. I don't have anything from them, not even a pamphlet. Don't tell me they were the firm at the back the corner (window side) somewhere between the popcorn and the announcement table. Cause that was the only stall I didn't go to due to the mass of people. Was it?
  17. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    My friend got his on Tuesday and last name was K Me and my other friend got ours Wednesday - L and N The theory sort of makes sense.
  18. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    Yep yep.
  19. summermagic


    LOL I'm using that mobile phone holder now. The chair is awesome! Apparently someone was giving out USB's but I didn't see them! Which firm was it?
  20. summermagic

    Professional Business Cadetships

    I GOT MY EMAIL TODAYYY! I'm really happy cause I thought I got rejected since I didn't get one on Saturday, when everyone else seems to have gotten theirs. So there's still hope everyone! :D Mine's on Friday.