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  1. J

    Music 2 Thoughts??

    qft - I only listen to melody dictation and then complete the rest of the paper on my own. especially since the scores in this paper were so easily readable, i really didnt need the audio (i'm so pretentious). Melody dictation annoyed me, in that i had planned for 6 playings D:, lol i loved the...
  2. J

    Music Essay question

    my essay went onto the manuscript paper, underneath my quotes.
  3. J

    rumour??... CHEATERS!!
  4. J

    rumour??... CHEATERS!!

    ' He's been cheating all year. he has good ranks in all his subjects. everyone knows he cheats, but there is never enough direct evidence to prove it. in maths, apparently he leaves questions blank in the internal exams, and when the class gets them back to check, he fills in the right answer...
  5. J

    rumour??... CHEATERS!!

    It was one of the blank generic booklets.
  6. J

    Year 12 Jerseys

    same same same
  7. J


    62 raw to 80 would be sooooooo sweet
  8. J

    Time for the Sciences

    The use of "statistically" is entirely valid in that context. it is describing that regardless of the semantics, raw data does not support his argument. LeArn gRaMmAr pl0x???11/
  9. J

    rumour??... CHEATERS!!

    it literally is.
  10. J

    Time for the Sciences

    1. Alex Borowsky DID take chemistry. the table you provided only shows the subjects in which they placed in the top 5 or whatever (adv english + ext 2 in her case). even though she didnt place in the top 5 for chemistry she nevertheless STILL DID IT! 2. Explain to me exactly how i got...
  11. J

    Time for the Sciences

    \ lol, you dont even make sense. you got trolled, you lost. kay. get a tissue, get the fuck over it.
  12. J

    Latin Motto's?

    "Illegitimis non carborundum" or "Intra schola, optimus musicus est!"
  13. J

    Morning Routine before school?

    what is the deal with everyone obssessing about taking their phone to school?
  14. J

    James Ruse Agricultural High

    Half the guys from "The Chaser" went to Sydney Grammar.