Search results

  1. J

    Predictions...Who will come first in the HSC School Rankings this year?

    Well, one thing's for sure: it definatly wont be North Sydney Girlshahahahahha haaahah!! oh man, they reeally sucklol.
  2. J

    Curious: L's or P's-class of '08

    fuckin legiiiit CluTcH KreW RepRsnt!!
  3. J

    Curious: L's or P's-class of '08

    Even better question: WHO DRIVES MANUAL??
  4. J

    Practice Q

    Define "Class". (in relation to set theory)
  5. J

    $100 if you can answer this question.

    It took me like two hours, and i was copying out of a textbook lolol (though i obviously added the air res bit)
  6. J

    Curious: L's or P's-class of '08

    On red's, cant be fucked to EVER get my greens. I LuuUv dA REdz!
  7. J

    Aboriginal Studies

    Where else can one post discussion on this subject?
  8. J

    we were on a break!!

  9. J

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Anyone have 4 exams this week? I HAVE NONE THIS WEEK. *shwing!
  10. J

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Two exams in the same day? Yeah, two boys in our year both do CAFS and Physics. They have to do physics at 9:25, and then stay in the principle's office for two hours, then sit the CAFS exam lol.
  11. J

    Aboriginal Studies

    Where is this scetion? Create ab studies within the Social Sciences subforum pl0x. (or u r razsict)
  12. J

    How good at music do you have to be to pick this...

    If you're the sort of person who does exceptionally well in english, or history, and have a lot of commitment, you could well do Music 2. It really depends where your intrests and lie.
  13. J

    AMEB Exams?

    It is absolutely not.
  14. J

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    B Adv Arts/Adv Science at USyd. and then i dont know.. my dream is to be a delegate within the UN, or something.
  15. J

    How many exams do you have?

    misread the poll. I thought it said "how many exams have you done so far". whatevs.
  16. J

    Economics in nearly a week:(

    omg fuck that....
  17. J

    Now that English is over..

    Economics nooooooooooooooooooo
  18. J

    Economics in nearly a week:(

    not ready. LOADS more study needs to be done. i have to get a raw of 90+ in this exam becuase my internals are screwed. This is actually the exam i'm probably most nervous about.
  19. J

    $100 if you can answer this question.

    guys - i posted this on saturday night (sunday morning?) at 3am while i was embarrassingly drunk. air resistance is ridiculously difficult to measure, relies on countless variables, and is definatly not measured in ohms. dont answer it - actually do some proper study. lol.