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  1. H

    2008- related texts?

    oh no, i didnt mean write about 5 in an essay i meant chose 5 so that we could pick the best 2 to do in our essays, she only wanted 2 of our own sources as well as 2 poems from coleridge in our essay. worked quite well;)
  2. H

    Dinnigan- Aesthetic and funtional

    i know theres quite a few Dinnigan post already floating around and they are all really helpful, but i have a specific part of the assessment thats im not really clear about. Aesthetic and funtional aspects of the design works, explianing how the designer has incorporated the elements and...
  3. H

    2008- related texts?

    my teacher wanted 5 but time being the issue went done to 3 and she made us analyze two for an assessment after she told us which would work with our text better and such
  4. H

    Textiles cause offered by cofa

    not sure... typo...
  5. H

    Textiles cause offered by cofa

    does anyone have any information regarding the textiles courses offered by cofa? or has anyone completed such a course? thanks
  6. H

    help! contemporary designer assesment

    :) im doing the same assessment too :)
  7. H

    South Africa 1960- 1994

    I have an assessment regarding my national study of South Africa we have to assess the impact of the PAC (pan african congress) on the anti-apartheid movement in SA. has anyone done this topic as thier national study? and is able to give any advice on anything that could be useful? thanks :)
  8. H

    South Africa 1960- 1994

    I have an assessment regarding my national study of South Africa we have to assess the impact of the PAC (pan african congress) on the anti-apartheid movement in SA. has anyone done this topic as thier national study? and is able to give any advice on anything that could be useful? thanks :)
  9. H

    Breaking up just before both of our formals…

    i actually really agree with that... i mean you dont have anything to lose really, u want to 'end' the relationship either way so way not 'end' it by just taking some time apart? if, during that time u really can live without her then so be it, but if say u realisied you can't live without her...
  10. H

    Breaking up just before both of our formals…

    wow how frustrating... u love her but u want to break up with her? and when u break up with her u want to remain in the same friendship??? sorry to be cruel but good luck.... as someone posted before shes going to see u as an ass for doing that to her espically when u are the only...
  11. H

    careers in fashion design

    im curious how do you apply for the whitehouse? and did u get a format for ur portfolio? :D same that was me too :) i had the best time at that course...
  12. H

    Properties and Performance of chosen fabrics and yarns.....

    Please help Im really stuck as to what i have to do to satisfy the criteria ... I dont know how to evaluate, what to write or how to set up the page to display the findings.... please help...:S
  13. H

    HELPPPP production sketch????

    Hmmmm ... i have forgotten what a production sketch is... what do I have t include in it???? :S:S:S:S::S:S:S what type of drawing of the garment should it be?:worried: thanks...
  14. H

    While you're at schoolies, help for year 11 formal!

    our yr 10 dinner dance/formal was about $65 at rosehill racecourse and i think the yr 12 formals about $120 at the sydney superdome... i think most school uses places like jockey clubs and place like that with function rooms... AJC?
  15. H

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? Gilroy catholic college :P (just to be technical :D)
  16. H

    Formals ?

    yr 10 formal is taditionally at rosehill racecourse and yr 12 at the sydney superdome... one of the function rooms...
  17. H

    10 units?

    Re: 10 units :s:S:S:S:S??? thanks ;)... hmm i guess ill see what happen... marks and content wise...
  18. H

    Business Studies?

    depends on the person i guess.... i do business n i dont like it at all.. im not in to social sciences full stop and the textbook work is really dull for me, although the subject itself is easy... ive passed and gotten A's for my assessments/ reports all yr without really putting in any extra...
  19. H

    10 units?

    10 units :s:S:S:S:S??? im in a bit of a tricky situation, for my prelim course, I'm currently doing: advance english ext english mordern history art textiles business 2 unit religion in yr 11 we had to have 13 units with at least 1 unit of english being compulsory. because i was doing ext...