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  1. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    hahaha Navy - Lets all sing! again my apologies m'lady! now that I have slagged off the navy I just know that is the one service that I will end up Nursing (sigh)...
  2. ASNSWR127

    Homosexuality in Australia

    perhaps... Not encourage for obvious medical reasons. However if no child were to come from it and it was purely consensual (i.e no rape of younger sister by bro etc) then yes However in such a case I think deep psychological harm could come form such an 'acquaintance' so maybe not such a good...
  3. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    ah I see academia as opposed to blowing stuff out of the water haha Excuse my ignorance m'lady
  4. ASNSWR127

    Please comment on my essay (1984)

    OK a few things First The totalitarian system described is more closely associated with stalinist Russia so that might be a good starting point, not so much NAZI Germany. The most important quotes you could use are any in the convo's betwen O'Brien and Winston when they are in the 'ministry of...
  5. ASNSWR127

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Not gay myself BUT Love is love
  6. ASNSWR127

    Favourite Character?

    O'Brien - '1984' What a wonderful character! makes you think
  7. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    yeah fair enough I suppose, couldn't that be post-grad though for navy?
  8. ASNSWR127

    Model to sell virginity for $1.8 million

    they've prostituted their religion for a long time now...
  9. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

  10. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    oh but there are so many more things to do there! Marine Science?? that's for the RAN me thinks
  11. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    haha what a wonderful concept. Incidentally just a question but how many posting here are considering a career in the ADF?
  12. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    "Peace is our profession" and all that I suppose hey?
  13. ASNSWR127

    Interpreting your results from SAM

    Hi this is probably a really stupid question but how do you 'align' your HSC mark to put it into SAM? So confusing...
  14. ASNSWR127

    Global Financial Crisis

    No other argument necessary
  15. ASNSWR127

    Do you think I can get above 60 UAI?

    Have you tried using that SAM thingy?? I can't figure it out either LOL
  16. ASNSWR127

    Q's for the Guys

    oh baby I thought you would never ask...
  17. ASNSWR127

    What looks hot and sh*t on the opposite sex! Tell all thread

    What about uniform (RAAF)?? that do it for you?? LOL How much should I play that card... actually I jthink that is one of the more important strategic questions open to any ADF officer.
  18. ASNSWR127

    Describe your dream job/career?

    Good on ya My dream job is already taking shape, going to be an ADF (prob RAAF) Nursing Officer. Then leave after I have been deployed overseas at least once! Also after I have paid off them paying for my uni (grrr) Then onto a SCAT team with the ASNSW working on careflight (hopefully!!)...
  19. ASNSWR127

    your current favourite song

    without a face - Rage against the machine!!!