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  1. ASNSWR127

    last week of formal school

    hear hear! its good to see the government helps its students soooo much!
  2. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    Well I think it would be interesting if the budget could handle it... How much are they per unit?
  3. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    I am going to be Nursing Officer with the ADF actually. Large part of it being that they pay for the degree LOL nah seriously its cos you get to help people in some of the most impoverished parts of the world in some of the most extreme conditions. You get to jump out of helicopters for a...
  4. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    the most sophisticated computer you can put into an aircraft is the human brain. Good luck to you in your flying. I used to take flying lessons (working at a supermarket to pay for it LAME!!) then it got just that too much expensive.
  5. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    Yes fair point but I was under the impression the yanks weren't going to sell us their baby? Its because of the iminent threat of war between the US and Aus I think (man the Americans are screwed!) I am still inclined to go Eurofighter for our context (provided there are no more EXTREMELY...
  6. ASNSWR127

    uai estimate

    How do you 'scale' your marks in that SAM thing on this website?
  7. ASNSWR127

    uai 70s possible?

    Hell yeah!! Just study heaps more and you should be right I reckon. At that sort of UAI level even a few marks makes all the difference! so say you get 10 more in the 'easier' ones and 5 in the 'harder' ones and you will OK
  8. ASNSWR127

    lol @ joint strike fighters

    But of course in the modern defence arena it is not always necessary to have a lot of jets flying around. Maybe for the pilots such as yourself, more job opportunities I suppose... I think maybe the Eurofighter is a good option, the problem is the lack of stealth capability but I am sure in our...
  9. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread Back that up Go on you cant Are interest rates the only measure of a countries success?? I would have thought universal and decent health care, taking care of the vulnerable etc were more important...
  10. ASNSWR127

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    demos kratos - literally "people rule" (democracy) communism - the owning and running of the system and the state by the people. As a collective rather the individual. Where is the difference? they go hand in hand and Marx makes it quite clear that you simply must have democracy for...
  11. ASNSWR127

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    it sustains us... LOL
  12. ASNSWR127

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    Short answer - nothing You are really mising out because of some religious social construction. get over it LOL
  13. ASNSWR127

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI/course are you aiming for? Responder, as in Rapid Responder : ) therefore rapid response car 127. The best kited out responder car I have EVER seen LOL
  14. ASNSWR127

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI/course are you aiming for? BNurs for me!
  15. ASNSWR127

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Well don't then. Go and seclude yourself in a mountain somewhere and remove all of your neo-con ideas from our system. You are not welcome.
  16. ASNSWR127

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    Ah the refreshing sound of someone who's arrogance is born of the system. I hope you had a nice day playing "rugger" then relaxing in the pool after driving your daddy's BMW to school that day and picking up the little slut from the local all girls school? You did didn't you? oh i do hope so...
  17. ASNSWR127

    what do i drop??????

    yeah keep physics Mind you I have been outstandingly lucky to have one of the best teachers I can imagine for physics which may influence my feelings somewhat...
  18. ASNSWR127

    Relationships & HSC

    Just so long as you are still getting some throughout the exams from somewhere! Otherwise the stress levels are going to rise to unnacceptable levels LOL Nah if you love em stay with em. *SIGH* stupid mistakes hey?....
  19. ASNSWR127

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: best uni for business? Business?? Why??? It should be called a Bachelor of Boring or a Bachelor of Bougeiose : P Good luck with whatever you do : )